Show Us the Money, and Where it Went


It seems obvious that their is a complete lack of transparency in Israeli governance regarding collection of tax revenues and where those revenues go.

As noted in the previous post, and in a slew of earlier posts, the former Gush Katif residents have not be restituted, have not been resettled despite Olmert’s contrary assertions. Most are without work, the former farmers have no means to re-apply their farming skills as they have no land to farm and earn a living from.

At the same time as the government has abysmally failed to compensate the former Gush Katif families, as mandated by law, by the very act of expulsions of Jews from Gush Katif, the regime has no one to blame but themselves for Hamas and for the current state of affairs in Gaza.

To this Olmert responds; “he had no intention of providing maximal protection to all residents of Gaza periphery communities.”

This blog demands; Show me the money!

Barak of IRIS blogs about the severe gas mask shortage despite war warnings and decries Israel’s welfare state mentality while blasting Israel’s governance whch has evolved into the all-time worst dishonesty, corruption and cronyism. More likely, the second reason is more attributable than even the first as to why there is no money to defend and reinforce southern Gaza-bordering communities and insuffucient defense budget to secure the nation.

In short, somewhere in the Regime’s corrupt gravy-train,
someone is, or someones are seeing the money siphen-off into their pockets, despite the immense danger inherent in the resultant national defense budget slash.

Someone, somewhere has got to account, to show transparency to some authority as to where the money went. Somewhere, somehow, someone has got to make Israel’s currupt politicians and leaders bite-the-bullet, come clean and re-align priorities so that the government Israel once again achieves fiscal and moral integrity of leadership as well as a credible national defense. MB
