The Fruits of Israel’s Corrupt Alleged “Democracy”


Today’s Main Headlines;

Barak Wins Labor Primary Race

A serial surrender artist who ran from South Lebanon and was willing to part with 97% of Eretz Yisrael and divide Jerusalem.

Knesset Elects Ninth President

Heaven help us if the mastermind chief manipulator of Olso would weasel his way into the office of President thanks to the hypocracy of the Shas party and it’s leader.

And what ARE the fruits of corrupt governance? this phrase from a Gush Katif expulsion victim says it best; read more


IDF Kanine Prevents Major Terror Attack


On Shabbos, this blog picked up a war headline story that the IDF prevented a terror attack. I remember reading many years ago that former IDF Chief of Staff Raful Eitan had authored fictional stories about the contributions of IDF trained dogs.

Today, this author received more detailed information on this incident from a blogger named Ora who posted the item below on her blog in order to help the Jewish Legion to raise funds to train more such kanines;

Arab terrorists invaded an IDF base in Gaza, two days ago. The fleeing Arabs were detected, with the help of “Britney”
, an IDF attack dog, as she searched for and detected one of the terrorists, waiting in ambush in a large sewage pipe. Britney was killed in the line of duty, but saved countless Jewish lives by revealing the position of the terrorist. When the terrorist shot Britney, his position was revealed to the IDF troops who killed him without sustaining any injuries to our soldiers. read more


Shimon Peres — President: Troubling Demonstration of the Blatant Corruption of Israeli Governance


This blog is not the only source taking up the matter of blatant corruption and hypocracy inherent in Shimon Peres’ presidential campaign. The extent of his corruption and the gross hypocracy of Shas and it’s “leader” are beyond outrageous. MB

Related report: ‘Corruption Worse than Iranian Threat’, by Etgar Lefkovitz (Jerusalem Post)

Our World: Peres’s Big Day, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“Begin was forced to delay the air strike which denied Saddam Hussein the wherewithal to obliterate the Jewish state for a number of months after Peres, who had been leaked knowledge of the planned attack, confronted Begin and implicitly threatened to leak the ultra-secret operation to others.” read more

Gush Katif Residents Would be Buffers, But…


Expelled former residents of Gush Katif seek to return and to settle in their previous homes in order to act a buffer to protect their brethren in S’derot and in the Negev. Unquestionably, such an action would go a long way toward reversing the wrong and restoring the wholeness of many of the former residents.

But this has about as much chance of actually happening as meeting the “man in the moon.” For such a return to take place would take regime endorsement and approval. Such endorsement and approval by Israel’s politicians and leaders could NEVER happen because it would constitute their frank admission of the gross moral backruptcy of the hitnatkut, the expulsion and any further “consolidation.” It would then open the way for commissions to investigate how it is possible for Jews to put their brethren out of their homes and to legally steal from them. read more


Parsha Korach 5767: Leadership; National Responsibility vs the Euphemisms of Self-Interest

by Moshe Burt

This Parsha HaShevua may seem to the reader a continuation of Parsha Shelach. This is done by intention because it seems very much as if Korach and his attempted power grab are a logical aftermath of the denial of Eetz Yisrael by 10 of the 12 miraglim (spies).

The Sefer “Torah Gems” by Aharon Yaakov Greenberg states the following thought; “Now took Korach…”; that Korach was blessed with many positive attributes: fine lineage, wisdom, qualities worthy of a leader of B’nai Yisrael. “‘Now took Korach — he took himself.’ He did not wait until he was offered the leadership, but he sought to take it by force. That is why he is not worthy of it.” (Torah Gems, by Aharon Yaakov Greenberg, Parsha Korach, Volume 3, page 79.) read more

Monday War News: Kassam Blitz Resumes, Attempt to Smuggle Bullets into Gaza Foiled, 21 Hamas, Fatah Terrorists Jailed

East Jerusalem Resident Caught Transferring Ammo [6,000 Bullets] to Gaza

Who is now going to say that Israeli Arabs are NOT complicit in terror and DON’T have Jewish blood on their hands?? MB

“The driver, a resident of east Jerusalem, was arrested and detained for to interrogation. According to the suspect, he was asked to transfer the electric appliances to the Gaza Strip in the as part of his work for a moving company. The owner of the moving company was also taken for questioning.”
read more


Sunday War News


Parsha Shelach and Political Abrogation of Mutual Responsibility — One for His Brother

Echoes of Joshua’s Spies, by Israel Harel (Haaretz)

“The government did not assert, as it should have, the national rights of the Jewish people over its liberated homeland. It did not even treat them in this way, as it should have from a historical perspective. ‘Bargaining chips,’ it called them.”

“By relying on this status, relating to areas of the homeland as bargaining chips, for 40 years most of our troubles and evils have come to us: the Yom Kippur War, the intifada, the terror war of September 2000, the deep rift among the people and the distancing of most of the world from identifying with Israel.” read more