Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch: A Part of the Problem, Not the Solution

‘Israel is Verging on Moral Collapse’ (Jerusalem Post)

Full Text;

“Israel is on the verge of moral collapse,” Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch said in a conference on education hosted by Seminar Hakibutzim, Sunday.

“We are in the midst of a cultural and political turmoil and storm clouds are brewing. We are experiencing failures, societal class struggles, poverty and a lack of public trust in all state institutions,” Beinisch said.

However, despite her harsh statements, Beinisch has also voiced optimism in saying that, after perusing the conference program, she thought that, “perhaps we can still say that…it isn’t too late.” She said that change is possible due to the fact that there are many people “who are interested in contributing and cultivating that which is most important to us – our children’s education.”

Beinisch expressed hope that Israel will develop an education system that strives towards morality, “which has the power to lay the foundations for a better society, a society made up of individuals who are good people, whose children are not under the poverty line, are not subjected to violence and do not become violent.”

“A society founded on Jewish and universal values, on tolerance and love of humanity, a just society that fulfills the expectations of its founding fathers…this is no simple task…but one must not succumb to the feeling that all is lost,” Beinisch added.


Beinisch speaks of “moral collapse” and of striving toward morality, of “a society founded on Jewish and universal values, on tolerance and love of humanity, a just society that fulfills the expectations of its founding fathers…”

Just according to whom? Were the contemporary “founding fathers” sooo just and moral?

Could Dorit Beinisch, a paradigm, the very epitome of secular, disconnected-from-Torah thought, possibly mean the Avos in her use the term “founding fathers?” For the contemporary “founding fathers were no pillars.

To what guide have the people looked as their basis which has brought them to the “verge of moral collapse?” The example of successive corrupt Israeli regimes? The order for Jew to fire upon Jew? Jew to betray other Jews? Military leaders who run from battle? Corrupt Jewish leaders who take bribes and influence-pedal? Jewish leaders who lie, deceive and misrepresent? Leaders who give away Jewish Land? Jewish political and military leaders who expel other Jews from their homes, stealing their possessions at legalized gunpoint with blessings from the Israeli “High Court of Justice” or rather the High Court of Mis-carraige of Justice?

Just who is Dorit Beinisch to talk?? MB
