Ha’aretz Ticker Headline: IDF Revokes Approval for March to Homesh

UPDATE: IDF Changes Mind, Won’t Allow Homesh March (Israel National News)

“The IDF has changed its mind about the march to the ruins of Homesh planned for next Tuesday, Independence Day, and will not allow anyone to enter the Homesh area. The army had told the march’s organizers Thursday that it would allow patriots to enter Homesh provided they leave it soon afterwards.”

Related reports:

IDF Flip-Flops, Bans Homesh Event; Backers Vow To Celebrate

Haetzni: Homesh March On As Planned

For recent related reports about Homesh and recent actions to re-enter and resettle the Shomron town from which Jews were expelled in August, 2005, click here.

IDF Revokes Decision to Allow Independence Day March to Homesh

At 11:20 AM on Friday morning, the Haaretz headline ticker carried the above item. As of this posting, there has been NO verification of the headline’s validity in any of the other English-speaking media.
It is hoped therefore that this ticker headline falls into the category of rumors and propaganda.
