Sefer Torah to be Donated for Yishuv Adura; Restoration Fund Raising in Home Stretch

Rabbi Chaim Zev Malinowitz and Moshe Burt with Sefer Torah donated to Shirat HaYam, Gush Katif; July, 2004

The Sefer Torah Recycling Network, which has seen to acquiring, restoring and placing 11 Sifrei Torah in needy locations over the past 12 years, announces that fund-raising to cover purchase and restoration of a Sefer Torah for placement in Yishuv Adura is in it’s final phase. We have raised $4,000 of the $5,000 needed to defray acquisition, restoration and ancillary costs necessary to provide Yishuv Adura’s 46 families with the Sefer Torah they need, but cannot financially afford to acquire. We thank all of those who have donated thus far. Tizke L’Mitzvot! We now seek generous donors to cover the remaining $1,000.

We hope, with your help, B’Ezrat Hashem to complete the project in time to provide Yishuv Adura with the Sefer Torah to leyn from during Pesach.

Adura is located near Chevron and Kiryat Arba and is the site where 4 residents were killed and 2 others severely wounded in an Arab terror attack on a Shabbos, 27 April, 2002. A 5th resident of Adura was murdered in a pigu’a (suicide bombing) in the center of Jerusalem two months before.

The “brave Arab ‘freedom fighters(sic)’ ” infiltrated Yishuv Adura on Shabbos disguised as IDF soldiers and stormed into Jewish homes killing the occupants. One young man, seeing what he thought were IDF soldiers outside, ran and told them to be careful as terrorists were in the area. These “soldiers” promptly opened fire killing the young man.

This Sefer Torah is a fitting dedication to our brothers who lost their precious lives to Arab terror, as well as to make Yishuv Adura a Mokom Torah, joining Neshamot who have leyned, kissed and danced with the Sefer Torah — past, present and future.

There is a theme which seems to mesh with the fund raising to help make placement of this Sefer Torah in Yishuv Adura a reality. This theme, “Hineini” is what Yosef answered his father Yaakov in answering the mandate for peace amongst the brothers. Rabbi Yaakov Haber wrote, in a parsha sheet on Parsha Vayeshev several years ago;

Has anyone said “Hineini” lately? Our kids are at risk, our brothers and sisters are being shot at and bombed! Our communities are fragmented. We have shiduchim problems and parnossa problems. Assimilation is at an all time high.

Most of us sit at the sidelines, observe and comment. It’s not good enough – we have to do something, we have to say “Hineini”! If there are kids that need help, come find out what you can do with a couple of hours a week.

Make a connection with a terrorist victim in Israel that is being ignored.

As the world is changing so drastically and quickly, we have to change. We have to change our priorities and our schedules. Just as much. Like Yosef, we can no longer avoid the issues…. Like Yosef, each one of us has to consider what we can do, and say “Hineini” – I’m here and I’m ready – to do what ever needs to be done for G-d and His people; and like Yosef, we will succeed.

Donation Instructions:

Donors in the US, please make tax deductible donation checks out to “Jerusalem Education Fund”, with a note on both the Memo line of the check and on the envelope “Mark Burt & Sefer Torah Recycling Network” and mail to “Jerusalem Education Fund”, c/o Gross, 20 Rolling Road, Wynnewood, Pa. 19096. Be sure to include your address. Upon request, a tax-deductible receipt for your donation will be mailed to you.

In Israel, please contact me, Moshe Burt at: for donation and mailing instructions. (Israeli Sief 46 Tax Deductibility available for donations of $100 or more.)

For the convenience of all donors, you can donate on-line through the use of your and/or your credit card. Simply swipe the email address; “” into the “Recipient’s email” field, enter the amount of your donation and the other pertinent information. Then click on the send button.

As one lover of Eretz Yisrael to another, I’m sure that you share my wish that Yishuv Adura and the other needy communities throughout Israel soon become Mekomot Torah.

With Hashem’s help, and with your kind and generous donations, we hope to complete this project and deliver the Sefer Torah to the families of Yishuv Adura in time to have for Pesach with the Hachnasat Sefer Torah to be held soon after Shavuot.

Rabbi Moshe Levinger with donor of Sefer Torah placed in Yishuv Sh’vut Rahel; July, 1997

Thank you for your kind consideration.


Moshe Burt, Founder and Director
The Sefer Torah Recycling Network
