Rapid Conflict Incident Resolution: Resolution Before an Incident or Incidences Fester into Something Larger

Weekly Commentary: Exploiting the Window Before Iran May Get the Bomb, by Dr. Aaron Lerner (IMRA)

“It means exploiting an appreciation of the nature of media coverage of conflicts (brutally put – the bad press for bloody battles in five civilian areas that take place simultaneously is almost the same as the bad press for one battle).”


It seems apparent that the working assumption on which rapid conflict incident resolution is an Israel once again self-reliant as to national defense and security and not dependent on 3rd parties; super-powers, peacekeeping forces, etc. It also assumes a strong government which does not quake before false and bogus mainstream nedia coverage.

Olmert and his cancerous hacks and cronies must go. They must be excised from the government and from the institutions of Israel for rapid conflict incident resolution to be viable. MB

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One certainly hopes that the nightmare of a nuclear Iran never comes to be. But it would be irresponsible not to prepare for that terrible possibility.

Some have suggested that Israel rush to “resolve” its differences with the Palestinians and Syria to reduce the chances that the Jewish State finds itself threatened by Iran with a nuclear response in their support.

But there is a reason for putting the term “resolve” in quotation marks.

That’s because a quick fix creating a terror Palestinian state and a hand over of the Golan Heights that would dramatically reduce the risk taking Israel could afford to take in the case of suspicious Syrian moves could readily increase rather than reduce the dangerous possibility of an incident that leads to Iranian intervention.

What, then, could help to reduce the possibility of Iranian – or for that matter other malicious third party – intervention?

Rapid conflict incident resolution.

Simply put, a conflict incident that goes on for many days or even weeks can heat up the Iranian and Arab street with rallies, pronouncements and threats of intervention.

In sharp contrast, a conflict incident resolved in a short period is considerably less likely to suck others in – even if resolution means numerous casualties.

Creating a situation on the ground that is amenable to rapid conflict incident resolution goes beyond military training and equipment.

It means developing a workable and effective approach to the human shields challenge.

It means exploiting an appreciation of the nature of media coverage of conflicts (brutally put – the bad press for bloody battles in five civilian areas that take place simultaneously is almost the same as the bad press for one battle).

It also means restoring a military presence in the Gaza Strip to facilitate the intelligence gathering so critical for rapid conflict incident resolution.

Today the Olmert team is doing the opposite as it stands by permitting the Palestinians to invest millions of dollars in a network of battle tunnels in the Gaza Strip as they amass huge quantities of both smuggled and openly trucked in weapons.

Yes. Today the Palestinians are aiming some of these weapons against each other, but it is only a question of time before they embrace Egypt’s proposal to unite for the common cause.

If there is one silver lining in the mess, the appointment of a man from Golani as IDF Chief of Staff could make it just that more possible to reach the goal of rapid conflict incident resolution before a nuclear Iran may arrive on the scene.
