The People Oppose Olmert’s Surrender and Submission

Poll: Against Ceasefire and Goodwill Measures


This blog does not ordinarily post poll results, but in this case, the Jews must be made to know and to stand up for this reality; Ehud Olmert and his leftist, elitist, punditist regime does NOT have the security and best interests of the Jews in mind by his actions.
Get used to it; Olmert, like Sharon before him will laugh with disdain at empty threats by politicians,
the greedy, weak politicians will stick to their seats and their Knesset mandates “like stuck with cement.”

The Jews must be brought to confronting this compelling reality and acting on it! MB

Full Text;

Almost half of Israelis are against continuing the Gaza ceasefire and also oppose Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s good will measures to Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas. The poll, commission by Voice of Israel government radio, revealed that only 37 percent support continuing the ceasefire while 47 percent are against it. Arab terrorists have broken the agreement more than 60 times with rocket attacks since it was announced a month ago, but Israel has refrained from retaliating.

Prime Minister Olmert met Abbas Saturday night and offered him “goodwill” measures such as easing restrictions on travel in Judea and Samaria and removing some roadblocks. Forty-nine percent of the respondents are against the Prime Minister’s offer while only 33 percent support it.
