How to Take Down an Evil Regime: Lessons to be Learned from the Enemy Hezbollah

100,000 Hizbullah Supporters Still Protesting


“After four days of protesting, Hizbullah supporters continued to demonstrate against Lebanese President Fuad Saniora’s government on Monday morning.

100,000 people were still demonstrating outside of the parliament building in Beirut.”


Although Hezbollah’s demonstrations and the hundred of thousands of people involved far from represents a legitimate democratic protest or uprising, the sheer numbers and the longevity of the action proves once again that with proper motivation, masses of people can and will have impact.

This author wrote nearly 2 years ago (6 Months before the expulsion);

We need people of principle, such as Pinchas HaKohen was, to step up, take responsibility; roving traffic blockages; re-instatement of the tent city by Knesset — this time manned by tens of thousands of people at ALL TIMES — 24/7; people willing, starting immediately, to devote one day per week… We need this and more…

Hashem has given us a sterner test. Are we up to it? Do we have the principle, zealousness and the “fire in the belly” of Pinchas HaKohen? Are we up to the tasks ahead? Just as Pinchas saw what was at stake, do we grasp all of the implications? Do we grasp that Eretz Yisrael, Am Yehudi both in Israel and worldwide, Torah and Kiddush Hashem are all at stake?

We didn’t learn from the Ukrainian model against evil; the Ukrainian rigged elections and the loss of freedoms.

So now the same lesson is being viewed in Beirut. Can it be that Hezbollah, that Islam seeks our destruction with far more fervor than we, the Jews have the “fire in the belly” to defend against our enemies both internal and external?

What will it take for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of Jews take to the streets, to the Knesset and stay until the corrupt and graft-laden Olmert, Livni, Peretz, Halutz, Peres, and 118 corrupt, sleazy, slimey MKs are turned out of power? The planning of shifts and other means for the Jews to continue to carry out their other responsibilities exists if we follow the old adage; “Where is a will, there is a way.”

Can it be that the Jews are more scared about their jobs than about their survival in the Land of Israel? Can it be that the Jews are devoid of Torah-rooting, soo weak-kneed, weak-willed and lacking in resolve against a government’s total abandonment of us? Can it be that we just don’t want it bad enough? Isn’t it time for restoration of Yaakov’s 2 other pillars; Telfillah and preparations for war? When will Israelis comprehend that without these other 2 pillars, that gifts amount to nothing more than APPEASEMENT? MB


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