Wednesday War News…

IDF: Soldiers Were Wounded Before Kidnapping

Full Text;

IDF reservists Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser were wounded by an explosive on their army vehicle before they were kidnapped July 12, according to a military report. Their conclusion is based on findings at the site where Hizbullah abducted the two soldiers at the outset of the terrorist war on the north.

Officers concluded that the two soldiers are alive. The report was completed three weeks ago but was not submitted to the government until after the United Nations Security Council ceasefire resolution was announced. The resolution includes a non-binding clause calling for the release of the soldiers.

Kassam Rocket Attack in South Israel

IDF Blows Up Tunnel Shaft Exposed Tuesday in Gaza

Kassam Launched at Sderot; No Wounded Reported

Bethlehem Tanzim Leader Arrested

“IDF troops in Bethlehem arrested Tanzim head Ali Salaha.”

Terrorists Open Fire at Soldiers in Jenin

13 Arrested in Counter-Terror Operations

“Arrests were made in the Kalkilye, Ramallah, and Hevron areas.”

Kassam Rocket Lands Near Nahal Oz
