Livni, Olmert, Peretz, etc. Still Put Their Trust in the Nations …

Livni Talks of “Moment of Truth” for International Community

Full Text;

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni (Kadima) said at press conference following a meeting with Javier Solana, the EU’s appointee for foreign affairs, that “this is a moment of truth, not only for the government of Lebanon, but for the international community.

Livni said, “We expect that the international community will work to implement the UN decision, fully and quickly.”

Solana said the EU would send 4,000 troops to participate in the multinational force to be positioned in southern Lebanon according to the Security Council ceasefire resolution.


They still don’t get it. When the “international community” once again, predicatably libels and backstabs Israel, these same hacks; Olmert, Livni, etc. will react in the same predictable way, with moral indigation. But their act has gone sour. They lost the merit of, the right to moral indignation when they expelled Jews from Gush Katif and the Shomron. For them nothing is sacred and they are entitled to nothing.

And Israel can’t repair itself as long as Olmert, Livni and about another 118 plus corrupt hacks remain in government and in politics. Israel is in big-time need of governmental and Top Military command housecleaning and fumigation — NOW! MB


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