Mayor Moyal: You’re Not Saying What Needs to be Said …

Entrances Blocked to Sderot

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Employees of Sderot’s city beautification department blocked the entrances and exits to the city on Tuesday morning using vehicles.

The move was made in protest of Kassam rockets that have recently struck the southern town.

Police, including mounted forces, were positioned around the city in order to maintain order.

Sderot Municipality Shuts Down City ‘Indefinitely


The Sderot municipality shut the city down on Tuesday in protest at the continuing barrage of Kassam rockets from Gaza that have struck the area. All inner-city junctions would be shut down and every day, for an indefinite period of time, the city would be blacked-out from 9 p.m. onwards. read more


DM Peretz: 12 Hours Later, We Are Still Awaiting Your Promised “Dramatic Changes”, We Won’t Hold Our Breaths — Other War News …


Peretz: More Empty Fields to be Hit??

Peretz Promises Dramatic Changes in a Number of Hours [Not exactly holding our breaths]

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As Sderot residents continue moving away from the southern city due to daily rocket attacks, Defense Minister (Labor) Amir Peretz on Monday promised a “dramatic change” “…in a number of hours or perhaps tens of hours” if the rocket attacks are not halted.

Visiting the Sderot area accompanied by President Moshe Katsav, Peretz vowed to bring an end to the rocket attacks, declining to detail what exactly the “dramatic change” entails. read more


Selective “Free Speech” …

Think Again: Free Speech for Me, But Not for Thee, by Jonathan Rosenblum

For context, click here.


WHILE AS a Torah Jew I attempt to maintain a degree of restraint in my own speech, I do not want the secular Israeli state to attempt to impose a regime of restraint through the law.

Nadia Matar’s current trial on charges of “insulting a public official” is a case in point of selective enforcement, as this paper pointed out this week (“Noxious speech,” editorial, June 12). No doubt Yonatan Bassi was insulted by a letter from Matar likening the Disengagement Authority to a modern day “Judenrat.” read more


Background: Impact of the Blitz on Sderot and Why No Concrete Action is Taken to Eradicate Smuggling, the Terrorists, the Launchers, the Stockpiles…

Sleepless in Sderot, Judy Lash Balint


Since the Israeli withdrawal from Gush Katif last summer, Sderot has become the new address for a barrage of Kassam rockets fired from the area of the now-destroyed Jewish communities of Dugit, Alei Sinai and Nisanit. According to IDF statistics, more than 600 Kassams have been launched against Israel from the Gaza Strip since last September. Several have targeted the Ashkelon industrial area, but it’s Sderot, barely three miles away from Beit Hanoun, that has borne the brunt of the onslaught. read more


With 5 Billion NIS Tax Surplus Plus Announced Budget Surplus, Why Aren’t the Gush Katif Refugees Being Compensated?

A reasonable question? For context on the budget surplus, Click here.

Good for the Rich


It also isn’t true, as Hirchson says, that “lowering VAT is necessary because the surplus from tax revenues will reach NIS 10 billion this year. We must return some of that money to the public.”

According to the finance ministry’s tax administration, the country’s tax surplus (the difference between planned tax revenues and the amount of tax actually paid) stands at about NIS 5 billion. Nor is there any leftover from VAT revenues; that real growth is about four percent. read more


Overnight and Monday War News …


“Olmert is Giving Up All of Jerusalem”: Caroline Glick

Column One: Olmert’s Plan for Jerusalem, by Caroline Glick


Olmert apparently thinks that partitioning the city will secure the Jewish majority of the city. Yet, taking these neighborhoods out of the city will actually endanger that majority.

Over the past few months, a team of American and Israeli researchers conducted a demographic study of Jerusalem and its environs. Last year the same researchers – Bennett Zimmerman, Roberta Seid, Michael Weiss and Yoram Ettinger – conducted the first independent study of the Palestinian population data published by the PA’s Central Bureau of Statistics in 1997. Their study exposed that the PA had inflated the number of Palestinians in Judea, Samaria and Gaza by some 1.5 million or 50 percent. Olmert and his colleagues in Kadima and the Labor Party have justified their plan to surrender Judea and Samaria to Hamas on the basis of these inflated numbers which falsely project that by 2015 there will be more Arabs than Jews between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. read more


Regime Still Denying and Cheating Gush Katif Refugees Out of What is Theirs …

Who Gave the Order to Change Property Appraisals?, by Moti Sender


Information received by the Legal Forum for Eretz Israel indicates that the Government Appraiser told external assessors hired to give their professional opinion on which to base refugees’ rights to compensation, that they should change their original reports so that the amount of compensation would be substantially reduced. “This gross intervention in assessors’ appraisals is very worrying”, wrote Attorney Yitzhak Meiron, one of the heads of the Legal Forum, to Ami Lindner, Chairman of the Expulsion Administration’s Eligibility Committee. read more

The Continuing Sderot Blitz and Other War News …
