Blitz of Sderot and Negev Continues, Plus Other War News …

Two Rockets Hit Moshav, No Injuries

Two Kassams Land in West Negev; No Wounded, Damage

Kassam Lands in Sderot; No Wounded, Damage Caused

Analysis/A Repeat of Gilo

The big question for Israel now is how to deal with Hamas. The IDF claims that Hamas is still involved in firing Qassams, mainly via other organizations. Sderot is becoming a new version of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo, which, … was targeted by Palestinian gunfire with the blessing of Yasser Arafat, but without his claiming responsibility or having to pay the price. read more


Guilt-Ridden PM Olmert, DM Peretz, “Palestinian (sic)” Lives Take Preference Over Israeli Lives!

Commentary 1;

In a war with cowardly murderers who, as have their predecessors, a long, documented history of tactically hiding behind civilians, accidents can and have happened. And the IDF, for all of it’s other faults, takes care to a fault concerning non-combatants in planning retaliatory attacks, attacks on rocket launcers, etc.

In fighting such a foe, a foe which tactically uses civilians for cover, who orchestrates “pallywood” death productions and manufactures events, often killing their own civilians in order to hang the bogus accusations upon Israel; when all necessary care is taken in planning military actions such as to negate, or at worst minimize civilian casualties, one need not feel guilty, one need not hang their head in shame when mishaps occur. read more

Sderot Blitz Continues and Other Overnight and Thursday War Stories …


More on Bogus “pa (sic)” Demographics Dud …

Demographobia, by Yoram Ettinger

For context, click on the various posts shown here.


Again and again Olmert says that giving up geography is the only way to safeguard Jewish demography.

… He’s inspired to pullout because of demographics. But he’s using greatly exaggerated numbers provided by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics back in 1998. Israel accepted these numbers without benefit of any demographic, media or diplomatic research into their veracity, and they have since become the cornerstone of an intense campaign that has penetrated deep in to the consciousness of Israel’s policy makers and public. read more

High Court’s Tyrannical Coup Against Democracy, Division of Power Between Branches of Gov’t …

Our World: The Judicial Overthrow of Democracy, by Caroline Glick


Sunday morning Israel Radio reported that a delegation of judges met with Justice Minister Haim Ramon and demanded that he defend them from what they consider to be unprecedented media attacks against them.

Last month in an interview with Haaretz, retiring Justice Mishael Cheshin had this to say about Chief Justice Aharon Barak’s view of human rights: “He is ready for 30, 50 people to be blown up – but we will have human rights.” read more


GSS Warns Eran Sternberg, “Democracy” in Israel Further Eroded …

GSS Issues Stern Warning to Arutz Sheva’s Eran Sternberg

For context, click here.


This morning (Tuesday) at 6:00 a.m., three state agents arrived at the Sternberg home and forcibly arrested Eran. He was released after 20 minutes of interrogation, at the end of which Sternberg said his interrogators told him that they do not have clear evidence of the alleged incitement. Nonetheless, according to Sternberg, the GSS agents concluded with a warning that he was “walking a bad path” and that he “had best be careful.” read more


MK Ravitz: How Much Do You Really Care? Enough to Do the Right Thing — Remain in the Opposition??

MK Ravitz: Evacuating Outposts is Collective Punishment


MK Avraham Ravitz (UTJ) harshly criticized Defense Minister Amir Peretz for his stated intention of evacuating four outposts because of “lawbreakers from them who attack Palestinians, children, and soldiers”.

Ravitz said today that he didn’t understand Peretz. “Why aren’t the criminals punished and brought to justice? Instead we act like a backwards country and use collective punishment.”

According to Ravitz, outposts should only be evacuated by a decision of the Prime Minister and only after dialog with the evacuees. read more


Olmert: No Way to Stop Kassams … Sderot Blitz Goes On, and Other War News


Parsha Korach 5766: Leadership; National Responsibility vs Rationale of Self-Interest …

Parsha Korach 5766: Leadership; National Responsibility vs Rationale of Self-Interest

by, Moshe Burt

The Sefer “Torah Gems” by Aharon Yaakov Greenberg states the following thought; “Now took Korach…”; that Korach was blessed with many positive attributes: fine lineage, wisdom, qualities worthy of a leader of B’nai Yisrael. “‘Now took Korach — he took himself.’ He did not wait until he was offered the leadership, but he sought to take it by force. That is why he is not worthy of it.” (Torah Gems, by Aharon Yaakov Greenberg, Parsha Korach, Volume 3, page 79.) read more


In Israel, Expression of Opinions = Incitement to Rebellion, to Violence When Not Leftist Views …

Ex-Gush Katif Spokesman Held for Incitement to Rebellion


The former spokesman for the Gush Katif local council, Eran Sternberg, was taken in for questioning by the Shin Beit security service on Tuesday on suspicions of incitement to rebellion.

Eran openly called for refusal to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces after last summer’s disengagement from the Gaza Strip.

Sternberg is also suspected of incitement to violence against security forces and minorities.

Sternberg refuted the suspicions of incitement to violence against security forces and minorities, and said that even his Shin Bet questioners admitted they have no evidence to back up the suspicions. read more
