The “New Jew?” …

No ‘Zhid’ for President, by Ronny A. Brizon


Rabbi Lau is the polar opposite of the Israel envisioned by the Zionist forefathers. We need an enlightened ‘new Jew’ to lead the country.

Since the ugly, sickly “zhid,” a character that doesn’t appear in the least bit majestic, bestows on the ideal image of the beautiful, proud Hebrew… the zhid should be shocked and humiliated, whereas the other guy should be proud. The zhid is loathsome to everyone and everything, whereas the proud Hebrew must charm them… The zhid loves hiding with bated breath from the eyes of strangers, whereas the other guy must march proudly and strongly towards the entire world…and wave the flag: I am a Jew!


This author is not by any means a cheerleader for a Rabbi Lau candidacy for President of Israel, but Brizon’s attack upon R’ Lau is nothing short of despicable and demeaning. While the words in the 2nd paragraph above may have been quoted from Vladimier Jabotinsky, Jabotinsky would never have envisioned, and would have been deathly sickened by the evolution of the so-called “New Jew” into post-zionism, disdain for the Land of Israel and for his Jewish brethren embodied by today’s “politically correct” agenda of Labor, Meretz or his former Shinui party.

A number of times over the past year, this author has written about the “New Jew” who shows disdain for his Jewishness, Jewish tradition and Torah laws. They revile the dress and the ways of both their Eastern European predecessors and their brothers who maintain aspects of the derech today in Eretz Yisrael, yet they themselves act despicably, on a larger level by discrediting their own right to live in Eretz Yisrael and their divine right to the land as well as immodesty, sexual and homosexual immorality . They feign to be “bleeding hearts” for “poor, downtrodden palestinians” but the reality seems that they care only for their own agendized political and selfish interests.

The “New Jew”, the secular Israeli has no footing, no rooting in Torah, in belief in Hashem, therefore has no idea why there is an Israel and no idea why he is here. As a concept, mindset, philosophy or morality, is the “enlightened ‘new Jew'”, “the proud Hebrew” who would void his Jewishness, his heritage, his land indeed something to be proud of? MB
