Responding to Rabbi Sadan …

Rabbi: Minority Can’t Stop Next Pullout


“There are those who say: ‘What if they come to evacuate us from our lands (in the West Bank); will we go like sheep to slaughter? We have no choice but to fight for the Land of Israel’. The answer to this is clear: Even if we will be successful in delaying this or that evacuation by applying force, there is no doubt this will lead to more force being applied against us – force that is stronger than ours,” he said.

“The suggestion to use force in the struggle (against evacuation) stems from hatred,” he added. “Only if we act like the merciful mother from the King Solomon trial will we be worthy of inheriting the Land of Israel. We must focus our energy on helping the people of Israel open their eyes and go back to loving their torah and land.”


This author disagrees with Rabbi Sadan in the above excerpt. If Heaven forbid that “convergence” ever reaches the point of actualization, the point of being carried out, we do have no choice but active, assertive confrontation. This is as true as if, Chas V’Challila a hilltops-type expulsion should happen as a result of litigation in the courts regarding the part of Kiryat Sefer which is beyond the so-called “green line” and which the left now disputes regarding “whether or not the land belongs to Jews. We are talking about the direct, inseparable connection between Jews and The Land of Israel, a connection reinforced by Torah again and again as in last week’s double-parsha of Behar/Bechukotai in such lessons as about Shemittoh.

This author is also puzzled by Rabbi Sadan’s final comment;

“The suggestion to use force in the struggle (against evacuation) stems from hatred,” he added. “Only if we act like the merciful mother from the King Solomon trial will we be worthy of inheriting the Land of Israel. We must focus our energy on helping the people of Israel open their eyes and go back to loving their torah and land.”

The “use of force,” as Rabbi Sadan puts it, stems not from “hatred” in the classic sense of hatred from such as jealousy or envy, but stems from the adversarial position of ones’ inalienable right to his home and property vs a regime who would seize or attempt to seize it from him.

It is agreed that we need to “focus our energy on helping the people of Israel open their eyes and go back to loving their torah and land.” But Rabbi Sadan indicates nowhere in the entire interview, nowhere in the entire article how “helping the people of Israel to open their eyes …” is accomplished such that Yosef Q. hard-boiled native-born Israeli will come to see clearly that he has been brainwashed against his religious brethren and come to feel kinship with them, even if he does not necessarily become religious himself.

‘Convergence’,’consolidation’ or whatever Olmert chooses to call Geirush; expulsion, the legalized theft from Jews of their homes, properties, belongings, communities, on any given day would be a logistical nightmare in which the regime would assuredly and continuously be confronted on each attempt by a vast majority of the 250,000 Jews living in Yehuda and Shomron.

When the regime goes to uproot 50,000 to 100,000 Jews from their homes, the residents will look at those slated for expulsions as neighbors, as too close to home for comfort and with the before-hand knowledge that if the regime succeeds in expulsion in one part of YESHa, that they are next. The nonchalant, “it’s not at my door” — business-as-usual, divide-and-conquer mindset of the regime and large numbers of Israelis will be flawed and just won’t work, the numbers of people forewarned and impacted are just too great.

And it would appear that the allies of Yehuda and the Shoron in the rest of the country would then either join a substantial mass of humanity in Yehuda and the Shomron and/or act to bring the country to a screaching halt. That is, unless the people have NOT taken note nor learned the lesson of what Geirush from Gush Katif has wrought in Kassam and Katushya attacks throughout the Negev, agricultural economic loss, regime dishonesty to the refugees regarding compensation for their properties, etc. The Jews of Kfar Saba, Rana’ana, Tel Aviv do not want the bombardments occuring in S’derot, Ashkelon and the Negev Kibbutzim. MB
