Police Back Off for Left: Dual Standards of Law Enforcement/”Justice”; One for Peace Now, vs Right?

Police Permit Peace Now Buses to Continue Towards Maon

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Police a short time ago have permitted two buses carrying left-wing Peace Now activists to head towards Maon in the Hevron Hills.

Earlier on Friday morning, police stopped the buses at Gush Etzion Junction, north of Hevron, explaining they do not intend to permit the buses to make their way to Maon where the activists wish to protest the Jewish presence.

After being detained at Gush Junction for a period of time, the buses were permitted to continue on their way.


We should remember vividly that when we attempted to fill numbers of buses to protest the geirush, our buses were hijacked and commandeered by the regime. It should be more than apparent that law enforcement in Israel is lax, if non-existent toward leftists and toward Amir Peretz’s striking Histadrut traffic obstructors. But toward the Land-connected religious and right wing, hard-hearted, brutal, persecutional law enforcement. Let us not forget, not for an instant! MB
