Halutz: Why Should My Kids Serve if Others Won’t?
Halutz Opposes Court Ruling on Tal Law
Hours after the High Court of Justice upheld the Tal Law IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz slammed the decision, claiming that the burden of serving in the IDF needed to be shared by the entire nation.
“There is no reason why my kids should serve in the army if others don’t serve,” Halutz said at a conference in Beersheba. “It would be fair if it [the burden] was shared by everyone… if they won’t serve in the army then they should do national service or volunteer in their communities.”
Yeshiva students who did not serve in the army, Halutz said, were not breaking the law but when the decision was made years ago to grant haredim an exemption from military service the number of students was far smaller, he said, than it was today.
“This phenomenon won’t be able to continue for much longer,” Halutz said, “for the simple reason that we will cross a line that without this critical number of potential recruits the defense establishment will not be able to fulfill its missions.”
Dan Halutz has uttered words unbecoming a Chief of Staff or Officer at any level in any other army, let alone in a Jewish Army. There is no excuse, no rationalization for his comments. He and his manpower officer who made disparaging comments such as this to Sgt. Dayan regarding; “…sick rabbis and the sick education they gave you” should be relieved of their positions.
He has proven himself an unworthy role model for real fighting men, the kind of IDF soldiers read about in this author’s lifetime, soldiers who put the survival of the nation.
Instead, his statements prove him to be an apt model, the epitome of the lowest wrung who pull any subterfuge to avoid serving while blaming the Chareidim who do battle via the Beis Medrash and on levels that a Halutz and his ilk can never hope to approach as long as they remain consumed with hate of anything religious. MB
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