Transfer the Arabs, Not the Jews: A Must Read, from Arlene Peck …

Transfer the Arabs, Not the Jews, by Arlene Peck


… Israel is governed by a self-serving leaders who react when one of the inept leaders of the US or the EU snaps his or her fingers and says, “Jump!” by asking, “How high?” What really needs to be asked is: How and why did Israel turn into a Banana Republic?

Israel’s children ought to have been learning the need for keeping their country safe, because the rest of the world sure hasn’t seemed to care much about protecting Jews or Israel during the past 20 years. That will continue to be true into the distant future, with the likes of Mr. Jimmy Carter perpetuating the world’s negative thinking about Jews while disregarding any criticism of their darling PLO and Hamas.

My belief is that “transfer” is not the dirty word it once was. Particularly since Jews are now applying that principle to other Jews. Dozens of countries have done it to millions of people quite openly, without United Nations emergency meetings or resolutions. One way or another, in many places, but never in Israel. Virtually every Arab country did so to their Jewish populations, many of whom could trace their families back in those lands for thousands of years. They left with nothing except one suitcase, without payment for their homes, businesses or possessions, and few raised their voices in protest. That same United Nations was silent. So, the precedent is clearly established in modern times.

The new Israeli government has said, “The fence is only one solution. Most of the successful action is based on intelligence that prevents homicide bombers from getting to the wall. House calls… not threats. The first thing we must do is create the separation of ourselves from the Palestinians. We cannot leave the Trojan Horse inside the fence.” Good point, but way too late. My thinking is that the fence ought to include the entire state of Israel, moving the Arabs into any of their 22 nations, where I am sure they will be much happier (except that they have this “thing” about killing Jews and taking over their land).


Arlene makes a particularly telling point which makes lie of the regime’s entire premise. They say; “The fence is only one solution… We cannot leave the Trojan Horse inside the fence.”

But the Trojan Horse virus is already inside the fence. And now being inside the fence, well inside the fence, separation is TOTALLY bogus except by means of transfer.

But Arlene, please don’t buy into the bogus Sharon/Olmert demographics dud! MB
