For Context on this report, click here.
This author received the following email today from a prominent reprsentative of the Gush Katif Refugees;
SELA Minahelet: “Spoiled Brats” ??? ![]()
Baby Casualty from a Kassam Attack. The minhelet [presumably SELA] has terribly insulting quotes about the GK people in Yediot. If they are accurate quotes those minhelet reps should be punished in the village square. How can they be the operational arm of the compensation law if they have such slanted views against the GK people? Example; “They are spoiled and are acting like spoiled brats on the account of the funds of the Sela commission. We can’t worry about them any more in the temporary facilities. Now it is an issue of hand bending -which ever of us breaks first….they have to move to humane facilities and get out of those inhumane hotel rooms.”
I don’t know if Yediot quoted them acurately but the quote was really disgusting!
Just to tell you how ready the caravillas in Ein tzurim for Neve Dekalim are; Yesterday someone of Neve Dekalim was unpacking his container and cleaning caravilla ,trying to cooperate with Sela request to be out of hotels before Pesach. They thus, had planned on being ready and cooking for 18 people, children and grandchildren for the seder in their new caravilla.
This person wanted to take a shower before he drove back to the Jerusalem hotel. He tried to light the the electric heater -he found that it didn’t work -so he unscrewed the socket cover and found that there were no electric wires connected to this switch for turning on the hot water heater (dud chashmal).
Outside the caravillot, the development is not completed and there is deep mud all over. There is also a lot of non-protected construction around that is definitely a serious danger for children.
Another incident that is symbolic of many difficulties is a family that opened one of their containers which had been sitting in the Kiryat Malachi lot of the Zim Cargo co. since the Gerush and brought their refrigerator into the Caravilla. The refrigerator did not work. Assuming it perhaps just needed gas, they called the service man.
It now turns out that mice had penetrated the container somehow and had eaten away at all the wires and other parts of the refrigerator, as well as the wiring of their other electrical equipment in the container. In another case, a family who had aready run out to try to buy a new refrigerater is not certain that the refrigerator and other appliances will be supplied before Pesach because of the large demand at this time of the year.
Another woman at the Ein Tzurim Caravlla site told me that “many of us left garbage cans, brooms, pails, and lots of other ‘small’ equipment behind. We had to buy so many things anew -what an expense this temporary move to caravillot has been. Certainly managing to cope with all these extra expenses will not be easy.”
Will the Sela commission and other gov’t officials responsible for this mess please explain to me why these people (we) deserve so much aggravation and suffering after already having been expelled from their homes and livelihood, with all physical things destroyed and yet have only done positive things for the country they love so much ???
The minimum the Sela people could do, as human beings, is to give them moral support –instead the nasty, vindictive quotes attacking the families of Neve dekalim and Katif . I pray that the nasty evil quotes in Yediot achronot of today are inaccurate(as they often are)!
Disengagement Authority chief tells evacuees: At the end of the week we will stop funding your stay at hotels; evacuees: We are being evicted again without thought about where we will hold Passover Seder.
The eviction announcement was received by the 120 families with mixed feelings.
Evacuees are fed up with the crowded quarters in the hotels, but they fear that budgetary considerations have become more prominent than questions of comfort. Most of all, the evacuees are furious over the fact that they are being cleared now, just days before Passover.
“They have no conscience. Again we are being evacuated without consideration,” said David Yamin, a former Elei Sinai resident who was housed in a southern kibbutz but left because of Qassam rocket attacks.
“Where will I and my family go? Where will we spend the night and where will we celebrate the night of Passover? We are not going back to the kibbutz until we feel safe. The Disengagement Authority only cares about its money, not about us. The main thing is to get rid of us and forget about everything,” Yamin said.
The Disengagement Authority is furious over the comments and says that another 150 families across the country live in hotels, hostels, and holiday resorts, but the housing contract ends at this time. Every additional day, the Disengagement Authority says, will cost a lot of extra money.
“They are indulging themselves at the expense of the Disengagement Authority,” a Disengagement Authority source charged. “We don’t have the option of continuing to arrange temporary accommodations for them. It’s a situation of who will break first. It’s not up to us anymore.”
“… A family that doesn’t want to leave will, from now on, have to pay for staying at the hotels and guest houses,” the source added.
This author finds it very strange that a google image search of the term “Nitzan Caravilla” turned up just one image, the one shown above this article. Could it be that the Government of Israel and it’s SELA have something to hide? For background on this question, click here. MB
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