Continued Confirmation of Prediction: Arabs Claim Israel Sabotaged Gaza, This Time: By Keeping Checkpoints Closed …

For context concerning the prediction and it’s first confirmation, click here. The report below is yet a second confirmation.

Jew-Free Gaza Births Humanitarian Crisis


Their mighty claims of self-reliance notwithstanding, the Palestinian Arabs have failed to turn a Gaza Strip cleansed of all Jews into a source of national pride and prosperity, and are instead, according to United Nations aid workers, on the verge of birthing a full-blown humanitarian crisis there.

At first the “Palestinians” insisted their failure to continue making the once-barren coastal strip blossom as the Jews had was Israel’s doing via a concerted effort to contaminate the land by placing barrels of toxins deep underneath the vacated settlements.

Despite that accusation’s lack of credibility, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) investigated and last week had no choice but to give “the Gaza pullout an environmental clean bill of health.”

Having lost that battle, the “Palestinians” managed this week to enlist UN backing for their assertion that Gaza’s squalor is the direct result of Israeli border restrictions.

Israel’s frequent closing of the Karni Crossing in northern Gaza is resulting in a lack of basic food supplies that will lead to a humanitarian disaster as bad as the one in Kosovo, warned the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in a written statement.

Israel, however, has tried to open Karni several times since the withdrawal, but was forced each time to close the terminal due to specific “Palestinian” terrorist threats against the Israelis working there, not to mention a constant barrage of rockets being fired from northern Gaza.

Israel then tried to relieve the situation by offering southern Gaza’s Kerem Shalom Crossing, which is much easier to protect from attack, as an alternative. The Palestinian Authority rejected use of Kerem Shalom without a compelling reason.


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