Coalition Machinations Continue: ‘Convergence’ Watered Down or Disappearing? Once Snookered, Be on Guard!

Olmert and Peretz to Hold Press Conference at 2 P.M.


“It is very important for the country that there be the widest coalition possible, with representation from as many different sectors in the nation as possible, provided that there be wide agreement on the government’s policies of advancing the peace process and running a stable economy with socioeconomic sensitivity,” Olmert said in a meeting with National Union-National Religious Party MKs.

In an effort to form that coalition, Olmert’s convergence plan will apparently not be mentioned in the coalition guidelines. Instead, the guidelines will follow the outline of Olmert’s victory speech last Tuesday in which he reached out to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas but left open the possibility of Israel acting on its own if the PA is not willing to make necessary sacrifices.

Olmert has outlined such coalition guidelines in meetings with the heads of parties this week. He met on Monday with Lieberman, Meretz leader Yossi Beilin and Benny Elon of the NU-NRP. He is set to meet Tuesday morning with his nemesis, Likud chairman Binyamin Netanyahu, and hold a long-awaited meeting later in the week with Peretz.

Coalition Talks with Olmert Began Sunday


Labor leader Amir Peretz revealed on Tuesday that he had begun coalition talks with Acting Prime Minister Olmert on Sunday. “I waited to see if details of our meeting would be leaked or not, and I was happy that they remained confidential,” said Peretz. “No one in Kadima or Labor had any idea about our consultations,” he added.

Peretz said that two major objectives were reached. “The atmosphere has been eased and trust has been restored between two people that will be dealing with issues of peace and social policy.”

Kadima, Labor Make Coalition Breakthrough

Kadima to Offer Labor Defense Portfolio

Shas to Recommend Olmert for PM


The Shas committee of Torah sages led by the party’s spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef on Monday ruled that the religious faction will recommend Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for the premiership.


And So Rav Ovadia Yosef follows on the heals of Rav Elyishev in endorsing Olmert and Kadima. For context; click here.

Shas Party Seeking Four Ministries to Join Kadima Government


The Shas Party, which is recommending Ehud Olmert as the man to form the next government, intends to request four social ministries for itself in the government – Interior, Health, Welfare and Housing.

Other options include a Minister overseeing religious services, which have been placed under the authority of the Prime Minister’s Office. That is assuming that the religious services are not moved to the Interior Ministry, as Shas Chairman Eli Yishai is requesting.

‘Keep Shas Out of Interior Ministry’


Progressive groups are wringing their hands at the prospect of Shas returning to the helm of the Interior Ministry.

It last held the ministry in 2003, after which it yielded to Shinui and then the Labor Party. While social justice organizations didn’t give the latter high points for implementing changes, they still felt a change in attitude which they fear will be erased should Shas leader Eli Yishai repeat as interior minister.

Gil Party Presents Demands for Joining Coalition

Full Text;

Gil Pensioners’ Party presented on Tuesday three conditions that would enable their joining a coalition headed by Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

They insisted that the government cancel the planned reduction in the subsidies for the elderly, double the annual addition to the health basket, and legislate a Basic Law: Pensioners, Israel Radio reported.


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