This Blog’s Election Endorsement …

This author has been going through a deep internal battle and deliberation as to who to vote for on Tuesday.

This internal battle has been regarding commitment to Likud via Moshe Feiglin vs first, the National Union, but more powerfully in recent days, between voting for Likud or voting Hazit.

Even given my deep level of commitment to Moshe and to Manhigut Yehudit and the Torah way which they stand for, and on account of what I am perceiving (B’Ezrat Hashem correctly) as an extremely well organized campaign where some 63,000 plus have verbally or in writing committed to Baruch and that Hazit “will have observers at all of the Kalpiot (voting stations) to make sure ballots are not thrown out “, I have just called the Hazit number and have committed my vote to Baruch Marzel.

We, the B’nai Yisrael stand, as my Rav used that $50 word on Shabbos, on a precipice;

Will we continue the political cheshbonot game, the game of cutting corners and equivocating on our inalienable, divine right to live in the Jewish Land of Israel and to the eternal inheritance of that land? Will we continue to be as hypocrites before the nations? Or will we finally, at long last act to assert our possession of the Land and our obligation to Hashem to live as Torah Jews in it?

This author loves what Moshe Feiglin stands for and I love his fortitude and dedication to principles; i.e, that he and Manhigut Yehudit did not join Likud to be loose cannons or free agents like the slime — HaNegbi, Mofaz, Gideon Ezra and Livni who perceived who was buttering their bread, or the aged Peres whose ego couldn’t handle defeat by Amir Peretz and the Peres lackie Dalia Itzik who followed right behind him into Kadima. I appreciate and respect the patience to see through a gradual takeover of Likud by Torah Jews. And I intend stay with the Manhigut Yehudit faction of Likud and to help as I can to actualize the takeover which Moshe, Shmuel and others are working so hard to bring about.

However, I fear that we are at a point in history after the expulsions from Gush Katif and theShomron, from Shalhevet neighborhood in Chevron and the expulsions and police riot, brutality and molestations of Amona, where the Jews can no longer await the disciplined, organized, step-by-step takeover of the major party.

And we must quit trying to make a cheshbon of who will benefit if our vote doesn’t count because the party we voted for didn’t break the threshold. As the Rav put it, “if everyone who says that ‘they would love to vote for Marzel’ did so without the Cheshbon, he would surely crack the threshold and then some.”

A Mashal; Avraham Aveinu is brought before Nimrod after having destroyed all of the latter’s Avodah Zoras (idols). Nimrod commands Avraham to bow to him or he get’s thrown into the fiery furnace. But Avraham again asserts his belief in Hashem and Nimrod casts him into the furnace.

Avraham’s brother Charan, is sitting on the fence and can’t decide between Hashem and Nimrod. When Avraham emerges safe and unscathed, Charan proclaims belief in Hashem.
Nimrod casts him into the fiery furnace and Charan burns.

We, the Jews have to act NOW to put Marzel and his Party, hopefully not just 2 1/2 mandatim but at least 5 mandatim into Knesset. If you want to call the Marzel HQ and commit, you can reach them at 02-6223081.

I urge all of you, everyone eligible to vote in Tuesday’s elections and within reach of this email, my blog, etc. to call the phone number listed and commit to voting for Hazit. And then, on Tuesday, on Yom Sh’lishi, Yom Bechirot — please vote and actualize the pledge, the commitment which you have made; Vote Marel, Vote Hazit.

It may sound trite, but to quote a campaign slogan (formerly a losing slogan, but B’Ezrat Hashem — now a winner) “In your heart, you know he’s right.”

Hatslacha to us ALL!!

Moshe Burt
