Corrupt Sharon/Olmert Regime Even Snookers the Uprooters …

Gov’t Workers Promised Awards For Taking Part in Expulsion Still Waiting

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Defense Ministry workers who were promised vacations and pay hikes in return for their voluntary participation in the expulsion of Jews from Gaza and northern Samaria last summer now complain that those commitments have gone unfulfilled.

Workers originally received emails promising awards for those who volunteered to man the perimeter and participate on other indirect support during the implementation of the Disengagement. Many volunteered and after the last community was destroyed, a large party was held for all the volunteers, who expressed willingness to take part in such operations in the future in exchange for similar promises.

It has now become clear, though, that the promised awards are not being delivered. Employee representatives are being sent from one manager to another, and after six months have come to conclusion that they were lied to. The workers report that they intend to take their grievances to higher governmental echelons.


The current government of Israel has reached the depths where nothing they do, say or sign has any credibility or reliability to it. MB
