Avi Bieber Speaks Out For What’s Right …

Received an email today from Manhigut Yehudit; a press release on Avi Bieber’s recent speech at Manhigut Yehudit 4th Annual Dinner on Shushan Purim.

Avi Bieber, IDF Hero who Refused Orders, Speaks at Manhigut Dinner

By Faige Lobel,
Public Relations Director, Manhigut Yehudit USA

Nearly 450 people turned out for the Manhigut Yehudit 4th Annual Dinner on Shushan Purim (March 15, ’06) and they gave Israeli hero, Avi Bieber, a standing ovation. Avi is the young soldier who stood up to his commanding officer and a Brigadier General at Shirat HaYam, Gush Katif, informing them in no uncertain terms that Jews do not beat Jews, Jews do not expel Jews – it’s not right and it’s not just! For those statements, captured live on video and TV, Corporal Avi Bieber spent 56 days in jail.

Presented with the Lev Yehudi (Jewish Heart) award by Manhigut Yehudit leaders Moshe Feiglin and Shmuel Sackett, Avi Bieber explained that he decided to come to the dinner to accept this award because he wanted the chance to share his story and his message.

“My name is Avi Bieber,” he began. “I’m 20 years old. I’m not as educated or distinguished as anyone in the audience. I haven’t even started college yet. But there is one thing that I know is true and that’s something I learned from my father: When the time comes, you need to stand up for what is right.

“This summer when I had been in the army for 15 months with the low rank of Corporal, I was forced into a difficult situation. Ever since I was 11, when I made aliyah, I had been looking forward to serving my country in the army. I trained extra hard and became a demolitions expert in combat engineering. I believe in defending my country and didn’t want to be put in a situation of disobeying orders. I asked my Commanders to be transferred to a unit that wouldn’t be involved in the disengagement.

“Well, they didn’t listen. One Sunday morning, we were told we were needed on a mission, to demolish abandoned Egyptian cottages. We arrived in Gush Katif at Shirat HaYam toward the early afternoon and we started running along the beach and then took cover behind some sand dunes. Then we noticed civilian Jews. The army had tricked us and set us up to pull Jews out of these cottages, where they were staying.
“Sometimes in life, you’re faced with a hard choice. So I tried to calm down and stepped aside and called my Abba for advice. And he said the same thing he always tells me, “Avi, you need to stand up for what is right.”

“I refused the order. I went straight up to my commanding officer (a Sergeant) and the Brigade Commander (a Four Star General) who were there on the ground commanding the whole operation and I told them, “This is not right!”

“The whole thing was captured on AP Video & cameras…broadcast all over the world and [it] sent a shockwave of fear throughout the entire army. Imagine if all the soldiers had stood up for their beliefs…we would still have Gush Katif today!

“Distinguished guests, nobody’s looking over your shoulder with an AP video camera and you can walk out of here tonight and go back to your everyday life without anyone knowing the difference. But each and every one of you is today, right now, in the same situation that I was in, then.

Quoting Megillas Esther 4:4, Avi reminded us of Mordechai’s words to Esther.

“If we are silent now at a time like this than salvation will come from another place, while you and your father’s house will perish and your chance to be part of Hashem’s plan will be lost”

Avi drew the necessary conclusions, “Moshe Feiglin and Manhigut Yehudit are telling us that we need to speak up now loud and clear, we need to speak up with our prayer, with our money and with our actions. I stood up for what was right – and I was only 19. Everyone here is much wiser and older than I am. Every person here tonight needs to decide to make a difference. In so doing, we will insure not just my home, but also yours, your children and grandchildren’s homes in Israel.

“The time is now and I challenge you all to stand up for what is right! Thank you!”
