“Face-to-Face” Before Elections is Job for Adult Wisdom, Not Teens …

“Dear Adults, Now It’s Your Turn”


This young teen articulates what many have been thinking.

He writes; “And you, the adults – and excuse me for the generalization – mainly supported us from behind. You told us, ‘Yasher koach, great job, what wonderful youth!’ You told us, ‘We have jobs and family.’ And you know something? You were right. At that time, what we did was our job.”

“Now it’s your turn. Because if you say, ‘I can’t leave my job,’ how do you know that later you’ll have a job at all? – see entry for ‘Gush Katif residents.'”

“Now it’s your turn. Because it’s better to go face-to-face with the residents of Petach Tikvah than with those in the black uniforms.”

In short that Jews don’t send their wives and teenaged high school students out to do what men should be doing; whether in Gush Katif, Amona or door-to-door to convince their fellows that Olmert and Kadima are bad for Israel, etc. MB
