A Few News Stories from Just Before Purim …

IMRA Asks Gissin: Is Chevron on Olmert’s Expulsion Chopping Block???

Ra’anan Gissin: Premature to Talk about Hebron – Olmert Not Sketching the Map

Why Peres Secret Meeting With Abbas?

Peres Meets with Abbas in Secret

Check out what Barak of IRIS has to say by clicking here.


Perhaps Olmert’s hands have not yet been soiled by an Abbas handshake, but for sure Peres’ hands have been soiled and worse at the hands of both Abbas and Arafat. But it is easy to buy Barak’s reaction, namely regarding an Olmert “insurance policy” against Arab terrorists of any stripe taking terrorist actions which would “jeopardize” Olmert’s chances for election victory. MB

Shimon Peres Holds Secret Talks with Mahmoud Abbas in Jordan

Police Too Busy Covering Amona Posteriors to Care About Kidnapped Jews?

Tardy Response

GK Refugees Abused by Sharon/Olmert Resgim Upside Down, Inside out, Round and Round

Gush Katif Refugees Claim Gov’t Assessors Deliberately Reduced ‘Value’ of Homes

Full Text;

Refugees from Gaza and northern Samaria claim that the government assessor, Yakov Odish, ordered his employees to deliberately lower the value of their homes in order to save the government from paying out millions of shekels in compensation.

The Legal Forum for the Land of Israel claims that private assessors placed a higher evaluation on much of the real estate in Gaza and northern Samaria, which has since been destroyed by government bulldozers.

Yakov Meron, a senior attorney for the forum, said his group will not hesitate to file claims on behalf of refugees whose property was not objectively assessed by the government.

The forum has also requested that the State Comptroller investigate allegations that the assessor’s office fraudulently evaluated residents’ property before the expulsion.

Olmert’s Kids: All of the Unequal Advantages of Daddy’s Accumulation of Wealth and Priviledge While in Politics …

Likud Campaign Attacks Acting PM Olmert’s Children
