The 100 Minute Minyan …

This author remembers it well; It was the last Shabbos Ma’ariv before Erev Rosh Hoshanah, 5759 — 6 months before Aliyah.

Back in Philadelphia, in the Old Country, couple of us guys commented how this Tefillah was particularly significant and how it would be highly appropriate to daven that final Ma’ariv to end Shabbos with a special kavanah (concentration and understanding). But, unfortunately, the Tzibbur didn’t see it our way and so we had the usual “one, two, six” Ma’ariv.

And over these last 7 years since Aliyah, there have been occasional comments, wishful thinking, as well as numerous Drashot from The Rav focusing on Tefillah and davening with Kavanah.

But a few months ago, Nachum Kligman, a member of the Kehillah Beis Tefillah took the proverbial “bull by the horns” and started developing and formulating the 100 Minute Minyan.

Once Nachaum and Rav Chaim Zev Malinowitz Shlita developed and solidified the time-frame and plans were concretized, the concept was presented to both Rav Shteinman Shlita and Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita who gave their approbations to the program.

And so, for the past three Friday Mornings, between 25 – 30 men have taken part in this tefillah. It is hoped that the numbers will grow still more and that the concept will pick up support throughout Israel and in Chutz L’Aretz.

Nachum speaks of introducing and promoting the 100 Minute Minyan concept with Kehillot in both the US and Canada, on Sunday mornings when most don’t work. We wish Nachum mega-Dittos Hatlocha with this great endeavor l’Shem Shemayim.

In these difficult times, it seems that such a Tefillah, and achievement of greater understanding and insight as to the Tefillot can only help us on a multitude of levels in reaching to and beseeching Shemayim.

So, this author urges all who read this blog to click on the 100 Minute Minyan website, to read all of the pages and speak to your Rabbanin and your Gabayim urging them to set up this type of program so that many more Shuls in Israel will follow suit with either this or a similar type of tefillah program.
