On Referendums …

Following up on the previous report on the beginning of the election campaign of the NU-NRP where they seem to connect joining a coalition government with parties offering a referendum [regarding any future “disengagement” = expulsion] as politically savvy, below are some prominent quotes regarding the point this author previously made; that Torah Law is supreme in issues concerning the Jewish People and the Land of Israel; that there is a higher level of morality and legality which is not inherent in, or governed by a majority vote of the people. MB

The Matar Proclamation, 2000


The Arab enemy, with all its varied forces, despite all the agreements and concessions of our Government, does not conceal its intentions of initiating a total war for the destruction of the State of Israel. These proven facts do not cause the Government to reconsider its policies.”

“As if the Land of Israel was their private property, ‘Cabinet ministers have proclaimed the Government’s intention of handing over to the enemy roughly 80% of Judea and Samaria, Israel’s heartland.'”

“No one is entitled to surrender a single grain of soil of Eretz Israel to a foreign people. There is no legal or moral validity to the handing over of parts of Eretz Israel to the Arabs. This is a betrayal of Judaism. We will never accept this crime.”

The Slogan ‘Let the People Decide’ Is a Return to the Sin of the Spies


“Could any modern referendum be clearer than this? All the Children of Israel, the whole community, an overwhelming majority, were against Caleb and Joshua, and for a return to Egypt. What did G-d say to this? Did He accept the results, and say that, since a majority of the people wished to renounce the dream of the Land of Israel, they should return to Egypt? Definitely Not!”

And the Lord said to Moses: ‘How long will this people spurn Me, and how long will they have no faith in Me despite all the signs that I have performed in their midst. I will strike them with pestilence and disown them, and I will make of you a nation far more numerous than they! (Numbers 14:11-12)”

If we do not want endless lamenting here, once again, if we truly desire to be victorious, to block the Sharon plan, to prevent the deportation and uprooting, and to thereby save the State of Israel and the Land of Israel — goals that are within our reach, if we only organize properly — then we must follow only leaders who speak in the spirit of Caleb and Joshua. Leaders who say clearly, without stuttering or hesitation: The Sharon plan is a crime. A crime against the Holy One, blessed be He, a crime against the Torah, a crime against the people, a crime against the land.”

This land belongs to us because G-d gave it to us, and no Jew is entitled to give it away. Likewise, no government or Knesset is entitled to give it away, even if an absolute majority votes in favor. Consequently, every Jew — soldier, policeman, Border Patrol soldier, attorney, government official, etc. — is forbidden to participate or assist in this criminal plan, whether directly or indirectly. On D-Day, all the people must leave their homes to stand and be counted in Gush Katif and the Northern Shomron, to prevent, with their bodies, the realization of the crime. If our leadership will speak in such a clear manner, and act and organize accordingly, then, with God’s help, we will succeed in preventing the execution of the decree.”

Against the Referendum


“By proposing a referendum the government is demeaning and denying our connection to our Land and our history. And we all know that they only want a referendum because they think they can win. Just like the one for Likud members; they promised to make policy in accordance, but when an overwhelming number voted against Sharon’s plan, all of a sudden, the referendum lost its legitimacy.”

“We had a referendum, a real one, a national election, just a few years ago. Positions were very clear between the Likud and Labor parties. And remember that there was no personal election for Ariel Sharon as Prime Minister; he got the position as head of the Likud. Sharon, in the name of the Likud, promised to keep Jewish communities, while Mitzna, as head of Labor, promised to withdraw and destroy. There was a landslide victory for the Likud, and after being made prime minister, Ariel Sharon went against that referendum completely. He adopted Labor policies, when the vast majority of the Israeli population voted against them.”

“This dependence on ‘votes’ makes me wonder. What would have had happened if on November 29, 1947, the infant United Nations had voted against the establishment of a Jewish State. Would David Ben Gurion and followers have established the State of Israel against U.N. recommendations, or would he have welcomed a continuation of foreign rule? Would there have been a real civil war between the pro and anti Jewish State supportors? Would the various pre-state military groups have become so demoralized that the Arabs could have easily been victorious? These questions come to my mind when I think of the possiblity of a referendum.”

“Fifty-seven years later our politicians haven’t matured much. Those in power are missing the vision we need to flourish. Let’s stop looking to the politicians for leadership; they have failed us.”
