More on Kadima’s Campaign of Division of Israelis from Jews

Reduction in Non-Hareidi Soldiers Allowed in Nachal Hareidi


“The IDF’s Nachal Hareidi unit, contrary to press reports, will not be closed, but the army has decided to limit the number of non-Hareidi soldiers who are allowed to enlist in the program.”

Optimism and Bitterness Amongst Gush Katif Expellees


“The trials and tribulations of the expelled Gush Katif families are far from over. Some families from Netzer Hazani are trying to regroup in the Golan Heights.”

“Please, Don’t Humiliate Us Any More”
“‘Many days have passed since we were banished from our homes and holy land in Gush Katif, and since we were defeated in our struggle to save them. Ever since that terrible day, we have learned to live as nomads, without a home and without an address – lives of uncertainty… We have learned to receive gifts, coupons, and support, and we have gotten to know the mitzvah of hessed [kindness] from the other side. As if that were not enough, we have been forced to bow our heads before those who brought this terrible decree upon us; we have learned to beg them for another room, a permit, a piece of land… We have experienced real exile, being given to the mercies of the master who, even if he does bad by you, you have no choice – because of the helpless ones who depend on you – but to bow your head, smile, shake his hand, laugh at his jokes, because in the end, you need him…’

‘One of the cruel aspects of this expulsion is that the same ones who destroyed our world are those who have the power to rehabilitate us, in the manner and with the budget that they determine. A type of Sodom-like situation.’

“‘…We will never forget those who are responsible for this heinous crime that was perpetrated upon us and upon our holy land. We will never forgive, because we do not have the right to forgive. We ask of everyone… never to forget or to forgive, and if he suddenly feels a burst of sudden love for the government, let him take a short time-out and visit the grave of Hezi Hazani [of Netzer Hazani] who died of a sudden heart attack a month after the expulsion… or to visit the ruined families, or the boys who are hospitalized in various institutions.‘”

“‘…We knew during the course of the struggle that our blind faith in the Master of the Universe could cost us dearly, and in fact we have no doubt that this is what is occurring in This World – but we are confident that G-d sees and keeps count, and we have no regrets over our pure and complete faith in G-d… We ask of our leaders, whose intentions are certainly good and who do much on our behalf, not to announce their forgiveness in our name; please don’t forget or forgive in our names, and just allow us to retain whatever self-respect we still have.‘”


“… We are confident that G-d sees and keeps count, and we have no regrets over our pure and complete faith in G-d…”

Hashem saw how the expellers rushed to expell as well as the relish and enjoyment with which they completed the expulsion. Undoubtedly, an accounting is being kept. MB
