Amidst Kassams, Attempted Suicide Bombings, Victorious Hamas, Homeless Gush Katif Expellees, Olmert Makes Time for a Fashion Designer…

Olmert Meets Fashion Designer Donna Karan

Ehud, the fashion plate!

Could that be why he looks so uncharacteristically dapper here? MB

6 Months of Negligence


“One-by-one, the promises of disengagement have proven false.”

“Morally, the toughest and longest-lasting blow struck by disengagement is to our national, Zionist ethos. Something happened to the destiny of the security forces of the Jewish state.”

“Instead of recognizing the duty to defend Jews wherever they are, simply because they are Jews, soldiers and police officers were ordered to evict Jews from their homes, in order to appease their would-be killers.”

“In doing so, the country trampled any moral claim it might have had that the world not abandon Israel to its enemies. For if Israel was willing to withdraw its support for the residents of Gush Katif and to abandon them to appease the enemy, what possible moral basis could there be for the world, especially the Western world, not to withdraw its support for Israel and to abandon this country in order to appease the Arab and Muslim world?”

“Furthermore, if the country abandoned the Philadelphi Strip – “a vital security interest” that so many young men gave their lives to defend – why should they believe it when, in future, we are asked to risk their lives to defend some other strategic interest?”


The author of this op-ed seems in turn with this author’s thoughts. Just before the expulsion in Gush Katif, this author wrote these words at that time and have referred back to them numerous times since then;

We are the front line of Judaism. Our humiliation at rewarding terror would cast all Jews here and in Chutz L’Aretz again as “spineless”. Look for serious Anti-Semitic backlash. And Chas V’Chalila after Jew would expell Jew, expect the Arabs and the world to attack us at will and as we have probably not seen in the past 50 years. We would again be viewed by the world, as we were seen by the Nazis, as spineless, sub-human creatures. Nothing would remain sacred.

We felt betrayed when we were attacked at the Munich Olympics, on the Holy day of Yom Kippur, in the Air France plane hijacked to Entebbe. Don’t dare feel betrayed again because, for the Secular Israeli who Chas V’Chalila supports expulsion of his Jewish brothers, perhaps nothing Jewish could ever be sacred again.

So it is for all of the reasons, that every believing Jew belongs taking part in this battle to his fullest and beyond, to the extent that he can. MB

Knesset Speaker: For Olmert, Achieving Power Justifies All Means


“Knesset Speaker Ruby Rivlin, perceived as the elder statesman of the Likud – at 66, the party’s oldest Knesset candidate – has come out with a resounding attack against Ehud Olmert’s political path. “

“Likud Chairman Binyamin Netanyahu convened a large morale-rousing gathering of Likud activists in Tel Aviv last night. The participants included chapter heads and leading players in the Likud campaign from all over the country.”

“A letter by Ruby Rivlin was read aloud: ‘Are we facing retreats, concessions, collapse and disengagement from all the values on which we have been raised and educated? Or will we succeed in awakening the public and uncovering the true face of Olmert?’

Olmert, Rivlin continued, ‘is a man who has proven that everything is justified in order to attain power. He is a man ‘who has no god,’ ‘a man who has left our camp many times and then returned whenever the regime fell and provided him with new opportunities. We must remind the public how dangerous it would be to abandon the leadership of the country to his hands.
