Gush Katif: High Percentage Still Homeless, Jobless… Olmert to OU, Conf. of Presidents: Promises, Promises & Whitewash; “Tell Me Lies, … Sweet Little Lies …”

High Homeless Numbers for Expulsion Refugees

Full Text;

“According to a report by the Committee of Gaza Settlements, almost a third of the refugees from the expulsion of Jewish communities from Gaza are still homeless.

“Figures provided by the Disengagement Authority and the Committee show that some thirty percent of the 8,000 Jews who were forced out of their homes last summer are still living in hotels, some entire families in school dormitories and even tents.

“The two agencies agreed on little else, however. Despite some progress in finding sites for the communities to re-establish themselves, the jobless rate for the refugees remains high.

OU Questions MK Olmert Regarding Gaza Evictees

Full Text:

“In Jerusalem on Tuesday, OU (Union of Jewish Orthodox Congregations of America) President Stephen J. Savitsky raised with Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert the plight of Israelis who had been evacuated from Gaza communities last summer but whose lives remain unsettled. Mr. Savitsky was part of a delegation of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations addressed by Mr. Olmert in Jerusalem’s Inbal Hotel on Tuesday.

“Mr. Savitsky stated ‘It is now six months after the evacuation. For the sake of uniting the Jewish people, will you see to it that these citizens’ needs are taken care of?'”

“In response, Acting Prime Minister Olmert stated ‘I absolutely understand what the people have been through. I supported the pullout….but I understood how painful and difficult it will be… In general, the Israeli government has been generous, but I am also aware of those who are not settled properly…We will do everything we can to complete their being settled as soon as possible…We will see to it that not one Israeli citizen will have to bear the wounds for much longer.'”


1 thought on “Gush Katif: High Percentage Still Homeless, Jobless… Olmert to OU, Conf. of Presidents: Promises, Promises & Whitewash; “Tell Me Lies, … Sweet Little Lies …”

  1. Bissel late for Mr. Savitsky to wake up about the issue. It was all so predictable. And the OU purposely ignored Disengagement, officially declared it an internal Israeli issue.

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