For a True Handle on the Demographics Situation: AN ABSOLUTE MUST READ …

Death of the Demographic Demon


Commentators spoke about the achievement of the Hamas, feature writers described the atmosphere of democratic celebration in the streets of Ramallah, but the most important headline was missed by everyone: one million, three hundred thousand. That is the number of eligible Palestinian Authority voters in Samaria, Judea, Gaza and Jerusalem. All together, including everyone – 1.3 million.

In Israel, in contrast, the number of eligible voters is more than five million. In short, we’ve been fooled. We were presented a demographic demon that never existed. ‘Between the sea and the Jordan River,’ they menaced us, ‘there is already almost an equal number of Israelis and Palestinians. Soon, they will be the majority.’ The very same week of the PA elections, several prestigious speakers even repeated that mantra at the Herzliya Conference.

“What ‘majority’? 5.1 million Israelis as opposed to 1.3 million Palestinians. Those are the official numbers.”

For two years, a dispute has been underway between the creators of the demographic demon, chief among them Professor Arnon Sofer, and between a group of Israeli and American researchers, whose chief spokesperson is Yoram Ettinger. The former say the number of Palestinians is close to four million, and the latter speak about 2.4 million. All of them admit that their figures are dependent on estimates and calculations, and on Palestinian publications that are themselves estimates – or perhaps propaganda – because since 1968, no one has carried out a population census in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. I am unqualified to interfere in such a professional dispute among learned men, but here we do have an official number, one-to-one: one million and three hundred thousand, including Gaza.


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