South Africa in Israel?

Received this email today by way of a fellow recipient of a local email list.

“South America is Here”

“I am writing the following several minutes after entering my house, after long hours spent in Sha’arei Tzedek’s Emergency Room. I arrive there, in great urgency, after receiving a phone call from my 16-year-old daughter, who was on her way [to the hospital] in an ambulance after the Amona Pogrom. Thank God, my daughter wasn’t hurt; she was accompanying her friend who had been injured in the course of the pogrom. And again, thank God, her friend, who was hospitalized is also recuperating and will be released shortly, with the help of God.

“I won’t talk about what happened in Amona, I wasn’t there, and others who were, saw and felt the heavy hand of the regime gone wild; they’ll tell the story themselves. I want to share with you what I saw with my own eyes at the hospital’s emergency unit. I arrived there at about 2:30 pm, when suddenly, a bus arrived from which dozens of wounded young boys and girls started streaming out, some with bandages around their heads, some with blood oozing from their noses, eyes, foreheads, others limping etc.. Begging your pardon, the only association that came to my mind was “this is what pogrom survivors look like”, these are the sights of those who survived the Pogroms in Kishinev, this is what the survivors of 1929 in Hevron looked like… Surprised by the fact that not one media representative was present, that same media which an entire day had been spoon-feeding the public about the injured police (Perhaps, at the end of the day, we can finally know how many of the 300 injured were policemen??), I held my cell phone which is equipped with a camera, and I wanted to begin filming live testimony from the scenes you probably won’t see tonight on television or tomorrow in the newspapers. Within seconds, I was surrounded by bullies, some in uniform, others in civilian clothes. They threatened me, they bodily blocked the camera lens and did all they could to prevent the filming of the scenes. When the wounded were dispersed to the various hospital cells to be examined, those same bullies evaporated as if they were never there.

“In the months prior to the expulsion of Jews in the summer, we warned once, twice and three times that it is not Eretz Yisrael alone which is in danger, but democracy itself. As a first-hand witness, I testify before you today that the ruling elite, through its violent arm is preventing you from seeing the true sights. A regime which expels, is perforce a regime that sets horses and dogs on citizens and is perforce one which will prevent the citizens from seeing the sights. At the next stage, and it is not far from now, fire will be opened on demonstrators, and then prisoners will disappear from cellars.”

“I am willing to testify before whoever asks me to, to what I saw with my own eyes. The most important thing is not to be silent about it. Whoever reads these lines and does not do a thing to stop the tyranny of the ruling elite, shared by the dictators, Sharon’s heirs, together with the Bagatz criminals and the corrupted media is personally responsible for the fate of the State of Israel, and he/she will bear their rightful punishment when the tyrants are removed from power. The time has come to break the conspiracy of silence, to pass on by word of mouth, like in the Junta of South America, like in Iran and Syria, what the powers that be want to hide from you. We will be silent no longer!!!”

Baruch Lior
