Olmert Gets “Two Birds With One Stone”…

Gush Katif Refugees Stuck for at Least 1/2 Tab for Shelters Against
Kassam Attacks for Which They [The Refugees] Are Faultless …

Cabinet Communique[Government to Cover half the Cost of Security Rooms to Protect Gaza Evacuees]

But there is more to this Cabinet Communique besides the issue of the
Gush Katif Refugees and the Shelters against Kassams;

Israel Cabinet Minutes, We’re Gonna Get Them Settlers!

Excerpts of IsraPundit Commentary;

“So, to summarize, Hamas and terror attacks, that’s not so illegal, building a Jewish house, that’s the HIGHEST CRIME IN ISRAEL. While there, 3,000 police were only able to make 17 arrests but were able to bash over 500 heads. Defensive violence against the security forces may result in 20 years in prison, pre-planned violence by the security forces didn’t really happen, no need to review it. But if it did, just file a complaint (you did stop and write down the badge number’s that weren’t there while you were getting bashed, didn’t you?) and it will be taken care of.”

“The Justice Minister has changed the rules of the game mid-flight, now the Prime Minister can single handedly decide to evacuate whatever he wants, all government funding (like normal town mayoral budgets) will be cut off (because one way or another they all can be declared illegal, even though the government built 3/4 of them), and the courts are now retroactively authorized to jail people for building, even if the government previously let them or even encouraged and funded them.”

“It’s almost as good as George Orwell’s 1984, except this is real world. Perhaps the only difference between this and the Soviet Union is we get a transcript real time!”
