Deputy AG Echos AG Mazuz Denial, But Chevron has Written Document Attesting Agreement on Shalhevet Neighborhood …

Updating the previous Chevron report;

Deputy AG: No Deal With Hevron Residents, Neighborhood to be Demolished [Headline published, Demolition Comment Not Confirmed]


“Assistant to the Attorney General, Shai Nitzan, told Army Radio Tuesday morning that absolutely no agreement exists with Hevron residents allowing them to return to the Shalhevet neighborhood if they abandon it willingly.”

“‘It seems that those who were squatting there preferred to leave amid rumors that they would be allowed back even though no such agreement exists,’ Nitzan told Army Radio’s Razi Barkai.”

“He added that the area was now considered a closed military zone and promised that the homes in the Shalhevet neighborhood would not only be emptied, but would be demolished as well.”

Dep. State Attorney: No compromise made in Hebron

Hevron: Gov’t Can’t Undo Agreement it Obliged Itself to, Pandering to Extreme-Left

Full Text;

“The leadership of the Jewish Community in Hevron released a statement Tuesday regarding the Shalhevet neighborhood, which was vacated by its residents overnight.”

“‘The matter already entered a three-staged legal solution more than a month and a half ago, which the Attorney General is obliged to as well. The agreement reached between the IDF and the Jewish community deals with the second stage of this process, and contained a promise that this stage would be hastened, while in the interim, possession of the property remains in the hands of Hevron’s Jewish community. The third stage is the renting of the property to Jews.'”

“Hevron’s spokesman added: ‘This stage was already decided upon by the appeal committee and declared by the state’s response to the Supreme Court. Any deviation from this process by the government or Attorney General’s office will not succeed. After the government and AG agreed a month and a half ago to enter the just process of transferring the ‘market’ back to Jews, it is fitting that they should stand with courage behind their agreement instead of spreading denials and excuses toward the extreme left-wing.'”

Further confirmation that an “agreement” was made with the Chevron Community comes via an email from a relative of one of the Mitzpe Shalhevet residents;

“Just spoke to my brother and according to him: WRITTEN agreement was made with the Army with the knowledge of the govt. The agreement states that the families will leave, the homes will not be demolished and the keys remain with the Chevron Jewish community.”

Hebron Settlers Evacuate Market Buildings Voluntarily


“In Mazuz’s statement, released later in the day, he said: ‘There is no compromise or proposed compromise from the state on the evacuation of the wholesale market structure in Hebron. Voluntary evacuation by the settlers, if there would be such a thing, does not require any compromise or concession on the part of the state. The state has not made any obligation to repopulate the concerned structures.’

“Following the release of Mazuz’s statement, however, Hebron settlers said, ‘We have an agreement in our hands. We intend to honor it and we expect and are certain that the other side will also honor it.’

“Agreement signed early Monday”
“Despite Mazuz’ denial, the agreement between the state and Hebron’s settlers was reached early Monday. According to the agreement the state promised settlers it would speed up legal proceedings that would enable them to return to the market legally.


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