Election Politics … T.O. Time Coming Closer, Waiting for Olmert to Tick People Off …

Olmert Reveals Kadima’s top 15


“Olmert invited the nervous ministers one by one into his office and revealed to them their fate. Some left satisfied, others disappointed, but none of them indifferent. To sweeten the pill, Olmert told them that their placement on the list would not impact who would receive ministerial portfolios in a prospective Kadima-led government.”

“Kadima’s top 15 will apparently be Olmert, Shimon Peres, Tzipi Livni, Avi Dichter, Meir Sheetrit, Haim Ramon, Shaul Mofaz, Uriel Reichman, Tzahi Hanegbi, Marina Solodkin, Dalia Itzik, Gideon Ezra, Avraham Hirchson, Ze’ev Boim and Roni Bar-On.”

“‘The Kadima list will have more Russian immigrants in realistic slots than Israel Beiteinu, more religious candidates that will enter the Knesset than the National Religious Party, more security people than Labor and more candidates from development towns than the Likud,’ a senior Kadima official said. “


With Livni as pegged as Foreign Minister, Dichter to be Defense Minister (prediction based on various previous reports), what does Olmert do with Peres, Mofaz? Can’t wait for those and other loose cannons to go off! MB
