Update on PM Sharon’s Condition …

For context, click on these recent reports regarding Sharon’s condition; [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] . [6].

Medical Observers: PM Ariel Sharon in a `Vegetative State’


Senior physicians not connected to the treatment of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon say his condition can now be defined as ‘a vegetative state.’ However, they stressed that the possibility of Sharon regaining consciousness cannot be ruled out, and some even said it is possible Sharon will recover some of his physical and mental functioning.

“Based on the reports from Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem, ‘the implication is that Sharon is in a vegetative state,’ Dr. Avraham Lazri, a rehabilitation expert who is deputy hospital director and head of the brain injury department at the long-term care facility Reut, told Haaretz.”

“According to an intensive-care expert, ‘a patient after such a major stroke, who has been unconscious for so long and his condition remains serious and stable, is most likely in a vegetative state.'”

“A vegetative state is defined as one in which a patient has a low level of consciousness and seems to be unaware of his surroundings.”
