Prosor to Israel: “Begin thinking and behaving ‘like a normal country’ and a responsible member in the international community.”

‘Country Must End Ghetto Mentality’


“Former foreign minister Silvan Shalom’s much publicized handshake with his Pakistani counterpart last August represents just a smattering of the activity between Israel and the Islamic world taking place behind the scenes, Foreign Ministry Director-General Ron Prosor said Sunday.”

“Prosor also said Israel needed to jettison the ‘ghetto mentality of a nation that dwells alone’ and begin thinking and behaving ‘like a normal country and a responsible member in the international community.'”

“Prosor’s comments came a few days after his former boss, Shalom, was questioned repeatedly – after he quit the Foreign Ministry and gave parting speeches and interviews – about what tangible results he had to show for the impression he created during his tenure that normalization with 10 Arab countries was just around the corner.”


Give us a break. It’s beyond belief that these people have the chutzpah, the audacity to keep parading this bogus bunch of gobbledi-guk before the people. It’s even worse that the people are soo dumbed-down and brainwashed as to accept this idiocy.

It’s amazing how the Israeli haters of anything Jewish reveal their utter ignorance and contempt of their history and of exactly what ‘a nation that dwells alone’ means. If Sylvan Shalom or Prosor would ever crack a Tanach and stick to it for any concerted period of time, they might just come to the realization that the Jews by nature, and their history and their special closeness with G’d are meant to be separate from the nations not meant to relate on the levels of the other nations. We are not meant to be, as Prosor calls it, a “normal country.” And since when does that NOT make Israel “a responsible member in the international community?” MB
