Netanyahu: Concessions Will be Necessary in Future Agreement
“Netanyahu volunteered in his Herzliya speech that in the framework of either a permanent or interim agreement, he would be willing to withdraw from parts of Judea and Samaria. ‘It’s clear that in a peace agreement, we will have to make concessions,’ the former Prime Minister said, ‘but I will not give up on our security.'”
“The Likud Chairman also said that in any event, every proposed territorial concession will be brought to the nation in the form of a referendum.”
“Netanyahu attacked both Kadima and Labor, saying, ‘Everyone knows that they plan to withdraw totally to the borders of 1967 [before the Six Day War]. They are trying to hide this, but everyone knows it.‘”
Regarding the partition wall/fence, Netanyahu implies it would form Israel’s final border: “The route of the partition must be reset in a way that will enable full Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and the Judean Desert… It must be distanced from Ben Gurion International Airport, Route 443 [the Jerusalem-Modiin highway], and the Trans-Israel Highway.”