New Update on the Expelled Gush Katif Refugees …

Report Details Plight of Gush Katif Families


“Latest report: Of the 1,750 families expelled from Gush Katif, over 400 are still living in the most temporary of dwelling arrangements, such as hotels, tent cities and yeshiva dormitories.

“Compensation payments: The families had their homes destroyed, yet many of them continue to pay mortgages – and all of them face increasing expenses related to their relocation – yet more than half the families have received nothing at all of the promised compensation. The remaining families have received an average of 50,000 shekels (just over $10,000). Only some 5% have received the entire compensation payment.

“Continued bureaucracy on the part of the Disengagement Administration, forcing the families to produce documentation that is either buried in their storage containers or got lost in the process of the expulsion. ‘Much of the information demanded by the Authority can be found at the click of a button on other government ministry computers,’ the report states.”
