Lovers of Land of Israel Gear Up Against Next Attempted Expulsions …

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Settlers to Fight Destruction of Homes in Amona

Full Text;

“Right-wing organizations were expected to launch a struggle on Wednesday in attempt to prevent the planned destruction of permanent housing at the Amona outpost near Ofra, and the evacuation of settlers from the Hebron marketplace. “

The High Court of Justice has set a schedule according to which the State must initiate these actions starting next week, and complete them by February 15. The settlers claimed that the houses in Amona were to be destroyed starting on Sunday, Army Radio reported.”

Grassroots Battle Begins to Save Hevron


“Right-wing grassroots organizations indicated road blocking activities are being renewed as they undertake the battle against the planned expulsion of residents from Mitzpei Shalhevet in Hevron, deemed an unauthorized neighborhood by the government.”

“Last night, protestors attempted to close down Jabotinsky Street in the Bnei Brak area during a brief protest against the eviction of Jews from Hevron.”

Tale of Two Threatened Neighborhoods


The Hevron Jewish Community leadership is calling upon Jews all over the country to flock to the city in order to protect the Mitzpe Shalhevet neighborhood from destruction. The people of Amonah, overlooking Ofrah in the Binyamin region, on the other hand, are taking a “wait and see” approach for the meanwhile.”

“The Hevron neighborhood is located on land owned by Jews for over 500 years, but was populated by Jordanian Arabs after Israel’s War of Independence. Israel’s Supreme Court recently decreed that the land be ‘restored’ to the Arabs, and local Jews say the IDF is preparing to carry out the order within the coming days.”

Signs of the struggle the residents say can be expected in the event of an attempted expulsion were seen a week ago, when dozens of special-unit ‘Yassam’ policemen and soldiers attempted to distribute expulsion orders to the 11 Jewish families living in the Jewish Quarter neighborhood. Both civilians and soldiers were lightly hurt in the ensuing fracas.

About an hour’s drive to the north, nine houses in Amona are also scheduled for destruction – and residents say it could happen any day. The Supreme Court ruled this past summer, in response to a petition by the extremist left-wing Peace Now organization, that the structures built there illegal and must be destroyed.”

Some three dozen families live in Amona, but none of them live in the structures to be demolished. Instead, they live in two-room caravans (mobile homes without wheels). ‘For a young couple to live in a caravan with one or two children is not impossible,’ one young mother who lives in Amona said, ‘but with four children, it’s simply impossible.’ At least one family has moved out of Amona [and is now living in another Yesha town] because of the poor prospects that they will be able to move into a real house.”
