Israelis Sleeping Through Election Campaign …

Just Stay Sleeping


“In previous elections, Ariel Sharon successfully anesthetized the public. His animosity for Ehud Barak won him the 2001 election, feelings of frustration and hopelessness worked in his favor in 2003, and Sharon – who managed to escape being held accountable, even when he was prime minister – campaigned with no platform whatsoever, and won big.”

“For several weeks it seemed that this time, things would be different. Amir Peretz won the Labor Party premiership, and said he would put social issues at the center of his campaign.”

“Let them elect people who reject the very idea of a political solution, and who aren’t prepared to even speak about it. Let them stew in despair and poverty, the mother and father of future terrorism. What do we care? Just don’t wake us up..”

Social issues in Israel are getting worse? Israel is becoming a collection of cantons, those who have and those who don’t and those who can’t quite see how their going to manage any better in the future? Let’s not talk about it.

“It is entirely appropriate for a sleeping nation, which instead of turning this election campaign into a campaign to clarify our national priorities and goals, prefers to remain silent.”
