Anita Tucker to the US to Tell The True Facts About Gush Katif Refugees…

This Author received the following email last Thursday from Anita Tucker, formerly of Netzer Hazani, Gush Katif, now Islamic-Occupied Gaza.

Anita has told this author the following; “I know the Israeli consulate sends speakers to tell how well the disengagement went and how people of Gush have settled in their homes and jobs! So I guess I have a lot of work to get the truth out.”

—– Original Message —–
From: Anita Tucker
To: Anita Tucker
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 1:59 AM
Subject: speaking trip to USA

Since I came on Aliya I have only left Eretz Yisrael once as I felt I didn’t have an important enough reason to leave. Now I have been invited to speak at a dinner in NYC on Jan. 14 on behalf of Gush Katif.

I have been encouraged by the many people who had visited my celery greenhouses and by those who have visited us since our expulsion from Gush Katif and wish to use this time to reach out to as many communities in the USA as possible to explain what is happenning to the families of Gush Katif and to warn of the dangers awaiting other parts of our dear Eretz Yisrael and to Am Yisrael.

At the same time I will be pleased to connect with American Jews for helping the families and in rebuilding my community of Netzer Hazani. Of course, I sadly no longer have a business to run, nor a farm in which to plant and pick, nor do I have a house to take care of, all of this having been destroyed, so I have no excuse this time for not doing it (going to Chutz L’Aretz).

I will be in the USA from Jan 4-Jan.25 hoping to reach out to Philidelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland ,Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles , Miami and elsewhere in addition to the greater NY -NJ areas. If any of you have appropriate acquaintances who would want to organize a get-together in any of these or other cities or others, then please contact my friend Sheila Selig (email address below) who kindly has agreed to handle coordination of speaking engagments and meetings during my stay.

Please pray that “Hashem sefatai yiftach ufi tagid tehillatecha” and that the Jewish communities will come closer to understanding the suffering of their brethren and the importance of building new communities as soon as possible. Hoping you will help me meet this challenge,


Coordinator of Anita Tucker’s Speaking Engagements, Meetings, etc.

Sheila Selig
