Serious or Hot Air? Internal Security Calls for Crack Down on Israeli Accomplices …

Ezra: Crack Down on Israeli Accomplices


“Calling Israelis who assist Palestinians in entering Israel ‘despicable villains,’ Internal Security Minister Gideon Ezra lashed out at the phenomenon and called for more severe punishments for such accomplices.”

“Ezra spoke hours after a suicide bomber blew himself up outside a mall in Netanya, killing five people…

‘There is a serious problem that cars with yellow [Israeli] license plates transport Palestinians and as a result assist terrorists in crossing into Israel,’ Ezra said. ‘These accomplices are despicable villains and this phenomenon needs to be completely uprooted.’

“Ezra said that the police have launched operations in the past against Israeli accomplices but ‘the wheels of justice move slowly and the system does not issue harsh enough punishments.'”

“Claiming that the West Bank security fence was fully erected in the Sharon area and effective in stopping Palestinians from entering Israel, Ezra said Monday that the police and the IDF needed to increase supervision over the border crossings.”


The $1 million USD question: Is Ezra serious here, politically-correct and agendized or is he plain full of hot air?

Consider the case of “Taliban Jane” Tali Fahima who has been on the PLO’s payroll and who has just entered a plea bargain;

Plea Bargain For Jewish Fatah Supporter


“Tali Fahima, who befriended Fatah members in Jenin, will confess to offenses of contact with foreign agent, transferring information to enemy.”

“Both sides have agreed on a three-year prison term. “

In addition, they will ask the court to sentence Fahima to a period of probation, in which she will be prohibited from committing any of the convicted offenses, as well as abiding by orders prohibiting entry into a closed military zone.”

Fahima’s attorney Smadar Ben-Natan told Ynet that Fahima ‘was in Jenin and did not deny meeting with (al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades top terrorist) Zakaria Zubeidi. She saw this activity as legitimate, but the law views it differently.'”

“We managed to minimize the original indictment, and indeed the main clauses of aiding the enemy at wartime and supporting a terror organization were removed,” she said.

“‘The Attorney’s Office did not object to a deduction of one-third of her prison term. Thus, if this is approved by the court, she will be released from prison within 11 months,’ Ben-Natan added.”

Cracking down, Minister Ezra? Give me a break! If anything, your crackdown selective and politically agendized. The traitor gets off with a slap of the knuckles, while the patriots get brass-knuckles sandwiches — WWF-style. MB
