Election Politics …

The Holiness of the Land, Israel’s Security Seem Expedient to Arik Sharon’s Agenda … and, An Election Endorsement …

Sharon Seeks Out Extremist Arab Mayor for New Party


These two #1, #2 posts from the IRIS (Information Regarding Israel’s Security) Blog are Must-Reads.

What is Sharon’s Agenda? This has been written and spoken about enough on this blog, it’s predessesor and othe medium. But it can be summed up in a few words; Alleged Blackmail and Legal protexia regarding various alleged graft and corruption charges against his sons and himself, long and deep-seeded true agenda of a truncated Israel going back to the Shlomzion Party prior to Begin’s victory in 1977, and finally to Alleged Personal Profit and self-enrichment via Casinos and the like built in Gaza on the horror and persecution of the Jews expelled from Gush Katif.

Here are a few links that relate to what seems to be Sharon’s true agenda; #1, #2, #3, and #4.

Further, it is exceedingly important that this message penetrates the consciousness and intellect of EVERY JEW, every voter in Israel, and most immediately, all Likud party voters bearing in mind that the Likud Primary is but 17 days away on 19 December, 2005.

Yes, Sharon is no longer in Likud, but Bibi benignly neglected the issue of the expulsion when his move could have halted the bulldozer. He only voted against and resigned as Finance Minister at the end when the act was unstoppable politically. The same can be said about Shalom and Katz. Mofaz went with the wind as Sharon’s steadfast supporter of the expulsion through nearly the entire year and a half run-up to the expulsion’s implementation and up through the Rafah document. Mofaz now whistles a different tune, speaks out of the other side of his mouth now that he is in a race for the Likud top spot.

Mofaz thinks he can fool Likud voters by asserting “I’ll Strengthen Settlement Blocs” as was reported here yesterday.

This leaves two viable Likud candidates of high moral standing; Uzi Landau and Moshe Feiglin and the Manhigut Yehudit Jewish Leadership faction.

But in analyzing the short list, consider these words spoken by Uzi Landau, a man of personal integrity, yet not a belief-based Jew, during a recent interview;

bitterlemons: What is your alternative? Are you implying that you accept limited disengagement, but without Labor?

Landau: I haven’t suggested limited disengagement. I’m not opposed to compromise when it comes to final peace. Our opposition to disengagement is because when you’re in a war you want to win the war and dismantle the terrorist organizations. We have [US President George W.] Bush’s support for this position. Only after that is it time to speak about concessions. Now is not the time to speak about compromise. I claim Judea and Samaria as my homeland. When peacetime comes we’ll discuss it.

bitterlemons: What, indeed, is your vision of an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement?

Landau: It’s premature to speak of a more detailed approach. One precondition is the total dismantling of terrorism and replacing the current Palestinian Authority by something new, a leadership that can speak freely of peace with us. Then there must be an interim period of 3-5 years, with US, European and perhaps Arab help, to develop a new framework of a future Palestinian entity and democratic rules for electing its leadership and developing a way to live side by side, day by day.

Finally, consider comments of Natan who responded to a post on Batya’s Shilomusings blog.**

“When Moshe Feiglin says that Bibi Netanyahu would be the same sort of Prime Minister as Arik Sharon, I believe him. When Moshe Feiglin says that Uzi Landau would be the same sort of Prime Minister as Arik Sharon and Bibi Netanyahu, I believe him.”

“Maybe Feiglin will succeed in what he’s trying to do and maybe he’ll fail. But what he’s doing is totally different from what Landau is doing. One is running to become head of Likud; the other is trying to use Likud as a springboard to bring a new kind of leadership to the country.”

In view of the need to bring about a new kind of leadership, a belief-based leadership and a new kind of belief-based morality and principle to Israeli Governmental Leadership, to Israeli Society and to how Jews relate to each other — Bein Adam L’Chaveiro, this blog endorses Moshe Feiglin for Likud Party Leader and B’Ezrat Hashem, Prime Minister of Israel. MB

**Hat tip to Batya and to Natan.
