Another Sharon Trial Balloon Man …

Ehud Olmert will have to share the Title of “Sharon Trial Balloon Man” with Meir Sheetrit.

Sheetrit to ‘Post’: Halt All Settlement Building


Meir Sheetrit, the Transportation Minister and Likud veteran who has joined Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s new Kadima party, believes that not a ‘single additional house’ should be built in Judea and Samaria because the ‘true Zionism of tomorrow’ is to settle the Galilee and the Negev.

“Ultimately, he said in an interview with The Jerusalem Post, Israel would ‘have no choice but to leave most of the territories and let the Palestinians establish a state next to us’ to guarantee that Israel remain a democratic state with an overwhelming Jewish majority.

Sheetrit, who said he had been promised a prominent position by Sharon on the Kadima slate for the elections, tempered his comments somewhat by adding that he had no objection to someone choosing to build a home in a West Bank area that would remain under Israel’s permanent control, if there was room to do so. He indicated that he thought it would be ‘fair enough’ were Israel to permanently control the 5%-10% of the West Bank covered by the major settlement blocs.

So much for Sharon’s latest “pledge”, as reported on this blog yesterday; Sharon: No Repeat of Unilateral Disengagement

And who is post-Zionist Me’ir Sheetrit to say, or rather to try to dictate what ‘true Zionism of tomorrow’ is? MB
