IDF Arrests 3 Wanted Palestinians in Nablus
Additional Northern Border Concerns
Israel and The Sin of Expulsion
The Implications and Consequences of Expulsion for the Jewish People
IDF Arrests 3 Wanted Palestinians in Nablus
Additional Northern Border Concerns
Reports Increasing: Sharon Plans Massive Withdrawals
Top Labor Officials Watching Peretz With Concern
Yesha Council’s Disengagement Struggle Advisor to Head DM Mofaz’s Campaign to Lead Likud
A reward for sabataging the anti-disengagement effort??? MB
Peretz’s Future Finance Minister?
Comrade Amir; Don’t get so smug so as to count your chickens before they’re hatched!! The polls be damned, there’s long road to go — 4 Months until elections. MB
Arabs Throw Firebomb at Soldiers Near Shiloh
Arabs Throw Molotov Cocktail at Jews Driving in Shomron
IDF Officer’s Vehicle Stoned by Bedouin Near Be’er Sheva
IDF: Hariri Report May Flare up North
Is This Really all of the War News, Terror Attacks, Stonings, Shooting which took place today? Or, is this all that the Israeli Gov’t will release for public consumption?? MB
“This Shabbat, over 25,000 people from Israel and around the world, arrived in Hebron to participate in this special event. Hundreds traveled from the United States especially for this Shabbat, via Hebron’s New York office, the Hebron Fund, and through AFSI. In addition, thousands of Israeli couples and youth were hosted by Hebron and Kiryat Arba families.”
“Hebron leaders, extremely happy with the huge turnout, said that this was the largest ‘Chaye Sarah’ Shabbat gathering ever. They expressed hope that Israeli politicians and world leaders would take note of the tremendous international support for Hebron’s Jewish community. They also commented that such a strong show of support should assist in efforts to prevent the possible expulsion of Jewish families from the ‘Mitzpe Shalhevet’ neighborhood, which was ordered to be implemented before the end of 2005.”
Grassroots Movement to Have Anita Tucker Placed on National Union/NRP Knesset List
Why not Manhigut Yehudit? Why not Hazit? MB
Photos of IDF Uprooting Gush Katif Graves Now Available on Internet
Gov’t Approves Permanent Housing for Evacuees
Don’t believe this headline for a second!! One of this blog’s contacts among the Gush Katif refugees sent the following email today;
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2005 19:38:29 +0200
Subject: Guess again
For all those who read that Sharon was now going to “make things easier” for us evacuees…guess again.
Mofaz Campaign Expected to Gain Momentum
Mofaz and his 50 Senior Officers and Generals — Mean fighting machine (?), each with their own promotional agenda to make meteoric moves up through the ranks! MB
Ha’aretz News Flash: 09:43 Sheetrit on future pardon for Barghouti: Never say never
Sharon Said Planning to Push for ‘Presidential’ System of Gov’t
“Ariel Sharon, if re-elected to a third term, may press for a change in Israel’s system of government to a ‘presidential system,’ in which the prime minister would be elected directly, and members of Knesset would be elected according to regions of the country.”
Katsav: Elections Are True Referendum on Israel’s Borders
“Likud members have launched an initiative to try to persuade President Moshe Katsav to lead it in the upcoming March general elections, Channel two reported on Saturday night.”
“Earlier on Saturday, Katsav said that the forthcoming March elections will be the true referendum on Israel’s political path and future borders.”
“‘This time, it is the true referendum,’ Katsav said in an interview to Israel Radio. ‘We must reach a decision in the debate that has been going on for 38 years since the Six-Day War.’”
I Have the Right to Be Unforgiving
This opinion article is a response to an earlier opinion article posted to the Israel National News website. The earlier article is linked from within this response. MB
Police Officer to Stand Trial for Beating Protestor
Enough is Enough: Kfar Darom Quits Hi-Rise Option
“The 58 families of the former Jewish Gaza community of Kfar Darom, for instance, have been told time and again that their move to a high-rise building in Ashkelon was just a matter of time, and that they could expect to move within a short time. In fact, after several delays and postponements, some families actually began moving their belongings this week into what they thought would be their home for the coming 2-3 years.”
“Dr. Max Nordau, one of the founders of the World Zionist Organization, was named at birth Meir-Simcha. However, he was known as Max, a children’s doctor in Paris. The following story was told by Avraham Shmuel Yehuda, a Jerusalem Orientalist professor, in his book, ‘Ezer HaRav,; describing how Nordau became interested in Zionism. ”
“On the second night of First Zionist Congress in Basel, Nordau spoke in German, giving a long speech. He mentioned several times, as a motto, three words from Jeremiah, in Hebrew, ‘v’Shavu Banim l’Gvulam,’ ‘Our Children Have Returned to their Borders.’ When asked by a young representative at the congress how he found this verse, and especially in Hebrew, for this did not fit Nordau’s educational background, Nordau replied: ‘I know these words from the person to whom I am obliged all my Judaism and Zionism. A person whose name I don’t even know. A person who was, in essence, only a little boy of eight or ten.’”