Rabin’s Program: Gush Katif as Model, Current Reports on Evictees, Settlers: Police Harrassment and Persecution


Parsha HaShevua — Parsha No’ach 5766

Parsha No’ach 5766: The Lesson of Expulsion, Learning that “Line of
Gemora” and Reaching Beyond

by Moshe Burt

Had an interesting conversation at Night Seder the other night with a friend from Shul.

While talking with me about the Matzav we all face, he drew a contrast between himself and me. Being a musician, he asked me if I knew how to read a musical score. I said no. He complimented me at being so good at what I do; activism, fighting for Eretz Yisrael, understanding the “politics”, etc. read more


A Follow-up Story to Recent Theft of GK Families Winter Coats

Follow up to Recent Report on Theft of Coats Slated for Gush Katif Families


“Thousands of winter jackets intended to be distributed to the 10,000 Jews expelled from Gaza and northern Samaria prior to their first homeless winter were stolen from a storage facility Tuesday.”

“Lurie said that although the 4,000 coats are worth at least half a million shekels, the police do not seem to be determined to carry out an investigation. ‘We brought in the police, but unfortunately they are not interested in continuing the investigation’ she said.” read more


Expulsion: Disengagement From Everything Jewish

Disengagement From Torah, Traditions and Security


“When did Jewish lives turn into a commodity less important than the photo-ops cynically used by the prime minister, the defense minister … and the rest of the government.”

“After cynically using the soldiers as robots of destruction and having these soldiers – who joined the Israel Defense Forces to protect Jewish lives – turn Jew against Jew, why should our sons go back to Gaza now? Is this disengagement? What of the ludicrously empty promises that it is for the security of Israel that we, the residents of Katif, must be removed and our communities be destroyed? Where now is the army’s ‘determination and sensitivity’ proclaimed in the public relations propaganda of Sharon? read more


Denial of Mt. Zion Handover Reiterated, Self-Interests and Mt. Zion

Following up on the previous reports regarding the possible handover of Mt. Zion, the Katzav denial was reiterated on the Israel National News site along with a detailed background report;

Mt. Zion Handover: President Denies, Reports Persist

Op-Ed from Ellen H.;

Follow the Papal Paper Trail
November 3, 2005
Ellen W. Horowitz

It may not have been considered earthshaking news. But I would have thought that the announcement of a possible agreement over the control of a Jerusalem holy site, emanating from a respected Vatican media source and appearing in the London Times, would have certainly warranted an article in Israel’s mainstream Hebrew and English press. read more