HaIvri Acquited, Appointments Vote Set for Today (So Far)

Two Reports on HaIvri Acquital;

High Court Justice Acquits HaIvri


“An amendment to the law pertaining to the prevention of terror led Haivri to request a new trial. While the state decided granting a new trial was not justifiable, considering the time and money invovled, Chief Justice Prof. Aaron Barak acquitted Haivri.”

More background on the anti-terrorism decree as related to the HaIvri case;

Retrial for Man Who Lauded Rabin Murder


“The Supreme Court determined … later in the separate case that a clause in the anti-terrorism decree … is limited only to the praise and encouragement of violent acts of terror organizations. According to the new interpretation, those who encourage violent acts not affiliated to terror groups cannot be tried by using the decree.” read more


Disturbing UpDate: Mt. Zion and Dovid HaMelech’s Kever

Please read and review this blog’s previous posts on the Possible Handover of Mt. Zion –Dovid HaMelech’s Kever to the Vatican.

Leading into where this story is holding now; Please check out this story from

Report: Israel to Hand Control of Jerusalem Holy Site to Vatican

President Moshe Katsav and Pope Benedict XVI are to announce the historic real estate deal during their upcoming meeting in Rome, the reports claimed.

The Foreign Ministry has dismissed the reports as ‘nonsense,’ but they have already aroused stormy reactions from religious factions warning against a change in the fragile status quo in relations among Christians, Jews and Muslims.” read more


UnComfortable Questions from Yamin Israel

Found this email on my log Motzei Shabbos. MB

Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 18:33:48 -0500
From: eidelberg@foundation1.org

Questions from Yamin Israel

“In addition to helping the thousands of Jewish refugees from Gush Katif and Northern Samaria, we have to ask some vital questions.

In view of the deplorable condition of these refuges the one hand, and Prime Minister Sharon’s responsibility for this inhuman state of affairs on the other, Yamin Israel asks:

Why no Knesset votes of no-confidence? Why no Knesset resolution calling for a National Commission of Inquiry? read more


Wolfensohn, Zuckerman: Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!!

$14 Million for Gaza Hothouses Destroyed, Woe that They “Can’t Buy Me Love”


“‘We thought it was a chance to show the Palestinians that there were more benefits from cooperation than confrontation,’ Zuckerman explained.”

“Zuckerman’s New York Daily News reported on September 22 that ‘a week after they [Palestinians] descended like locusts on the greenhouses… looters continue to pillage what should be a prize asset for a fledgling Palestinian state.’ In response to this wanton destruction, Zuckerman said, ‘I’m just sad that they are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. …It’s almost inexplicable.'”“Later in the same article, 29-year-old Samir Al-Najar explained why he and eight of his men destroyed a half-acre greenhouse at the N’vei Dekalim settlement. He would probably rebuild the greenhouses, he said, ‘but I want the greenhouses to be our own, not Jewish ones.'” read more


Gov’t Hiding $ 2 Billion — Slush Fund?, Amona Outpost Near Ofra to be Dismantled January, ’06, Jewish “Terrorist” Bludgeoned in US Jail

MK Porush: Gov’t Hiding $2 billion Surplus

Houses in “Illegal” Amona Outpost to be Demolished by January ’06

Jewish “Terrorist” Serving 20-year Sentence Killed in U.S. Jail

This is not an issue related to the expulsion, but it does cry out of Jewish indifference, a huge factor in why the Expulsion happened, and miscarraige of Justice. MB


The Left’s Villification and Defamation of the Religious

The[Left’s False] Scarlet Letter [of Murder Upon the Religious]


“Since the night he was assassinated 10 years ago, the purpose of memorializing Rabin has been twofold. First, his murder is used as an opportunity to mark the entire religious Zionist public with the scarlet letter of murder. And second, as Rabin’s actual positions have been smothered by an army of far Left eulogizers, his legacy has been co-opted by these radical elites to force their political and ideological agenda on the general public in his name.” read more
