PA Only Targeting Israel … With New Egyptian Armaments …

PA Officers: We’ll Only Target Israel


“In a letter sent this week to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), official PA militia officers declare that, even as internal security collapses, they will only point their guns at Israel.”

“The authors of the letter to Abu Mazen state that they reject ongoing US and Israeli pressure demanding the disarming of PA terrorist organizations. Instead, the militia officers declared, their weapons will only be pointed at Israel and at Israel’s Arab agents fighting terrorism in the PA.” read more


Gush Katif Refugee Developments …

In the Deal for Selling the Gush Katif Greenhouses the Americans Deducted Thousands of Dollars from Gush Katif Farmers

Arab Conference Against Galilee Judaization to be Held Saturday


“A pamphlet published ahead of the conference, said that the plan, spearheaded by Vice Premier Shimon Peres, includes the sale of over 10,000 Galilee housing units to Jews in reduced prices, the expansion of some 100 communities in the Galilee as well as the establishment of new communities designated for Jews from the center of the country, evacuated Gaza settlers and new immigrants”. read more


Parsha HaShavua — Lech Lecha 5766

Parsha Lech Lecha 5766: Aliyah — To The Jewish Big Leagues
By Moshe Burt

“Hashem said to Avram, Go for yourself from your land … to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation…” (Breish’t, Perek 12, posukim 1 & 2) I call this the “Aliyah Parsha.”

Rashi writes on the posukim, “For your benefit and good. It is there that I will make you a great nation …” (Rashi on Breish’t, Perek 12, posuk 1)

Sefat Emet asks, “if G’d himself promised … that the move would be for his good and his benefit, why should this have been such a great test?” It seems that it was exactly because of Hashem’s promise to him that the test was of greater magnitude because when Avram actually went, he did so “as Hashem had spoken to him.” (Breish’t Perek 12, posuk 4) “In other words, he went purely because he had been told to do so by G’d, without any intention of deriving any benefit from his actions. The test … was whether, after all of these promises. he would still be able to fulfill G’d’s will without even the hint of any desire for any benefit for himself.” (Word and quotes attributed to Sefat Emet, Torah Gems, Aharon Yaakov Greenberg, Parsha Lech Lecha, pge 97) read more


Expulsion Aftermath News …

Following up on the earlier stories today;

Supreme Court: Expellees Must be Paid


The High Court ruled today (Thursday) in favor of the homeless residents on a petition brought by Atty. Yossi Fuchs of the Land of Israel Legal Forum and several residents. They had maintained that though their requests for an advance compensation payment had been approved by the relevant committee, the Disengagement Authority suddenly added another condition that most of the former residents cannot meet: The Authority demanded that they sign a form stating they had left their former homes within 48 hours of having been ordered to do so. read more


Kinder, Gentler Eviction According to MK Avital …

MK Avital on “Disengagement”, Separation “From the Palestinians

For Audio on the Interview, click the link at the bottom of the story.



“Fleisher: Do you believe – and I am using your language – if we disengage from Judea and Samaria that there will be peace with the Arabs, that there will be peace in the Middle East. Do you believe that? Don’t tell me you want to give it a try – but yes or no, do you believe this is going to work? read more


GK Refugees Homeless, Without Gov’t Promised Comp. Funds for 81 Days

“81 Days Without a Home”


“Preparations are underway for a massive sit-in strike in Jerusalem to protest the government apathy towards the expellees. It will be run under the banner of “All Israel are Guarantors for One Another,” and the organizers say it is not designed for youths – who should be in school – nor for Knesset Members, who have other ways of waging the struggle. Registrants are asked to specify if they can remain for only three days, or for longer. For details, call 09-7921290.” read more