Election Run-up News …

Labor Ministers Sign Resignation Letters

Report: Likud Rebels, Central Comm. to Unify Party


“According to the reported plan, MKs Uzi Landau and Binyamin Netanyahu would not vie for party leadership in exchange for Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s promise to seek approval for all policy decisions from either the Likud or via national referendum.”

C’mon guys! If you believe that Sharon will adhere to this, I’ve got a bridge to sell you cheap! MB

Netanyahu Unwilling to Withdraw From Party Leadership Race read more


More Still on President Katsav, the Vatican and Mt. Zion — David HaMelech’s Kever

There is more to report on the Mt. Zion Affair.

Three days remain until President Katsav meets with Pope Benedict in the Vatican.

The following questions have arisen which should be framed in letters to President Katsav. The suggested letter is below;

Please keep sending inquiries.

Dear President Katzav,

The Committee to Save Mt.Zion appreciates and takes note of the denial which was issued by your spokesperson, Mr. Avi Granot, regarding the rumors of a swap of properties with the Vatican. read more


Jordan Valley — On the Block for Expulsion?

‘Right Losing Support for Jordan Valley’


The Right is in danger of losing public support for retaining the Jordan Valley, a strategic adviser to Prime Minister Sharon said Sunday.”

“Speaking Sunday at the College of Judea and Samaria, Lior Chorev warned
a right-wing audience that many of their arguments for retaining land taken in 1967 were falling short with the majority of Israelis. He added that the Jordan Valley was much like Gush Katif, noting that only 5,000 Jews live there. read more

Where Were You on Yom Pakuda?

When Gaza Going Got Tough, Top Official Got Going – on Vacation


“On the first day of the disengagement from the Gaza Strip, the deputy social affairs Minister, MK Avraham Ravitz (United Torah Judaism) left for a 10-day vacation in the Golan Heights. At that time, dozens of social workers and other officials from his ministry were busy helping the settlers being evacuated from Gaza, and drawing up reports about hundreds of detainees. Those in the know say that Ravitz did not even request any updates. read more


GK, Shomron Refugees Not Alone with Government and Bureaucratic Indifference, Insensitivity and Callousness …

Atzmonah Takes Refusal in Stride, Wants to Build New Community


“A proposal to move the 55 expelled families of Atzmonah currently living in Faith City encampment has been voted down – by 11 families of Kibbutz Shomriyah. The 55 say they’ll build somewhere else.”

New Labor Head Peretz Wants to Fund Voluntary Yesha Evacuation


“The bill was submitted by Peretz together with MKs Ilana Cohen and Yuli Tamir. It stipulates that if least 60% of a community’s residents agree to leave on their own, all the residents will be compensated. The implication is that the 40% who do not agree would be forcibly expelled and then compensated.” read more
